Courses / Modules / PSYC2007 Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Gaby Pfeifer
Academic year

Module overview

This module will develop your understanding and knowledge of development across childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. We will present historical and current research studies and explain how these link to related theoretical frameworks.

The module will explore basic issues in the study of development including social and emotional development, language and cognition. For each area of development, we will explore key changes in development including infancy, preschool, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

The main areas of development we explore include; (i) birth and early infancy (e.g., early perception and learning, early experiences); (ii) social-emotional development (e.g., development of emotion recognition and expression, understanding and regulation of emotion, development in the context of relationships with parents and peers); and (iii) cognitive development (development of perception, language, cognition, developing minds, intelligence).

For this module it is recommended that you have prior knowledge in Psychology, which could be through successful completion of one or more from PSYC1016, PSYC1017 or PSYC1018.

Pre-requisite for PSYC3053, PSYC3057, PSYC3069

Linked modules

Pre requisite: PSYC1016