Courses / Modules / PAIR3027 Partisans, Public Opinion and Elections: Understanding the Political Mind

Partisans, Public Opinion and Elections: Understanding the Political Mind

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Robert Johns
Academic year

Module overview

This course introduces key theories and models in the study of political behaviour and political psychology and seeks to encourage students to develop a critical appreciation of how people develop their political beliefs and preferences, and how this affects their engagement in politics. The course is also designed to provide a practical and applied introduction to the study of political behaviour, applying theories to everyday political life and making use of the wealth of empirical data available on public opinion and political psychology. It deals with questions such as how people form their political beliefs and their attachments to political parties, how they evaluate political candidates and leaders, and why people do or don’t get involved in different forms of politics, be it voting, protest or civic action.