Module overview
This module combines academic study with a practical and experiential approach to learning. You will continue to work with the charity you established links with during level 4 and during level 5 you will implement a planned activity group with the service users of the charity. This will provide the opportunity for you to consolidate the professional skills introduced at level 4 and developed during Practice Placement 1. You will also develop skills in preparing professional project proposals which will include a risk assessment and consideration of cost and resource management.
You will also have the opportunity to consolidate your knowledge on group dynamics and understand how they may affect therapeutic groups.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Demonstrate awareness of the impact your project may have on service users and the wider charity and produce and implement strategies to ensure the sustainability of your work.
- Work effectively as a group to produce a project proposal, including a cost analysis and realistic sustainability strategies
- You will identify a personal development plan to support your ongoing interpersonal communication skills.
- Prepare, carry out and conclude your group work project effectively and professionally.
- Select and engage critically with relevant evidence and other professional resources related to your project work, with consideration to current government and health and social care drivers.
- Identify potential risks involved in your project and implement and document realistic strategies to manage these.
You will continue to work in your small groups established in level 4. At level 5 you will work with your chosen charity and will implement a small project with the service users. Formal teaching sessions and group tutorials will provide opportunity to:
- develop understanding of the process of preparing a project proposal
- carry out a risk assessment and develop a risk management plan
- identify cost and resource implications
Group work will be supported by regular group supervision sessions with a module tutor. You will be expected to keep a reflective diary / logbook related to your group project and your personal and professional development during this module to inform your understanding of group dynamics.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Building on level 4, this is an experiential module. Independent study and project work in small groups will be supported by lectures on core topics, small group supervision sessions and sessions focusing on group dynamics. Supervision sessions will be structured to meet individual group need, but overall will serve to provide guidance on specific issues such as difficulties with group dynamics, conflict, ethical and practical concerns, which form the basics of understanding conflicts which may arise within groups. Students will be expected to maintain a reflective log / diary throughout this module to record and explore their experiences and to contribute to their ongoing professional development.
Type | Hours |
Seminar | 30 |
Wider reading or practice | 100 |
Tutorial | 10 |
Independent Study | 100 |
Lecture | 20 |
Follow-up work | 100 |
Project supervision | 10 |
Total study time | 370 |
Resources & Reading list
Journal Articles
York M, Wiseman m (2012). Gardening as an occupation: a critical review. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, (75 2 76 – 84).
Blank A (2004). Clients experience of partnership with OTs in community mental health. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, (63 3 118-124).
Cipriani J, Haley R, Moravec E, Young H (2010). Experience and meaning of group altruistic activities among long-term care residents. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, (73 6 269-276).
Wensley R, Slade A (2012). Walking as a meaningful leisure occupation: the implications for occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, (75 2 85 – 92).
Tokolahi E, Em-Chhour C, Barkwill L, Stanley S (2013). An occupation-based group for children with anxiety. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, (76 1 31-36).
Mearns D, Thorne B (2007). Person-centred counselling in action. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Rogers C (2003). Client-centred therapy: its current practice, implications and theory. London: Constable.
Glasby J, Dickinson H (2014). Partnership in health and social care: what is Integrated Care and How Can We Deliver it? (Better Partnership Working Series) ,. Bristol: Policy Press.
Kottler J, Englar-Carlson M (2010). Learning group leadership - an experiential approach. California: Sage Publications Inc.
Egan, G. (2007). The skilled helper: a problem management and opportunity-development approach to helping. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Brooks Cole.
Sumsion T (2006). Client-centred practice in occupational therapy - a guide to implementation. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Cabinet Office, Brooks Newmark, HM Treasury (2014). Promoting social action: encouraging and enabling people to play a more active part in society. London: The Stationary Office.
McLeod, J (2003). An Introduction to Counselling. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Department of Health (2005). Creating a patient-led NHS: Delivering the NHS Improvement Plan. London: DH.
Schon D (1983). The reflective practitioner. New York: Basic Books.
Department of Health (2008). Framing the Contribution of Allied Health Professionals: Delivering High Quality Healthcare. London: The Stationary Office.
Nelson-Jones R (2001). Theory and practice of counselling and therapy. London: Sage.
Cole M (2012). Group dynamics in occupational therapy - the theoretical basis and practice application of group intervention. Thorofare: Slack Incorporated.
Glassman U (2009). Groupwork - a humanistic and skills building approach. California: Sage Publications Inc.
Assessment strategy
Both components of the summative assessment must be passed
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: Verbal feedback from tutors and peers, on both content and style, to prepare for your summative assessment
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: Yes
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Professional conversation | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Reflective essay | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: External