Module overview
The definition of a scientific research project, its planning, execution, recording and reporting, are core skills in science. This module, which involves a full time placement, provides an opportunity for students to develop skills in formulating and conducting independent research while working on a well-defined scientific problem or question.
Linked modules
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Plan and conduct a critical review of prior work relevant to the project.
- Develop concise and precise reporting of research findings and observations together with an understanding of the context of the findings.
- Formulate a hypothesis, framing a well-posed scientific question or defining a clear discovery strategy.
- Plan and execute practical work and evaluate, and reflect on, the outcomes of processes or procedures.
- Understand risk assessments and safety evaluations of practical work.
The philosophy underlying this module is to empower students to take charge of their own learning in the conduct of experimental scientific research. As a consequence the module will make extensive use of directed self-learning methods.
The course will be delivered in the context of identifying and answering a specific scientific question, or of testing a hypothesis, or of a discovery process.
The module will cover:
1.developing a clear understanding of the proposed area of work.
2.assessing the resources needed to bring the project to a successful conclusion
3.identifying project risks (non health & safety)
4.preparing a project plan, including identifying specific objectives, milestone and the use of GANTT and PERT charts as appropriate
5.use of a range of resources (including on line resources) to find and retrieve relevant literature
6.conducting risk assessments and safety evaluations of experimental work.
7.using specialist equipment and facilities effectively and safely.
8.execution of practical work and real-time evaluation of, and reflection on, the outcomes of processes or procedures.
9.applying the conceptual skills acquired during the first two years of the programme to the analysis and interpretation of data/results.
10.working as part of a team towards common group objectives
11.reporting of experimental findings and observations in the form of a draft scientific research paper aimed for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
12.maintaining clear and complete records of activity
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
During the module the student will join the research group of a member of staff whose area o research the student has chosen, and who will be the project supervisor. The emphasis will be on independent working, but there will be some support from the more senior members of the group as well as from the supervisor. Informal formative feedback will be given regularly and as appropriate. Formal formative feedback will be given based on interim progress reports.
Type | Hours |
Independent Study | 530 |
Project supervision | 20 |
Supervised time in studio/workshop | 50 |
Total study time | 600 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
A comprehensive resource pack is provided on Blackboard at the beginning of the course..
Assessment strategy
The performance of the students will be assessed through:
- Quality and originality of research idea
- Quality of project planning
- Quality of interim progress reports
- Quality of final project report
Students will be assessed for:
- Clarity of expression and overall quality of final report
- Following instructions on report format and length
- Quantity and quality of data/results/observations
- Critical evaluation of prior work
- Critical analysis and interpretation of data/results/observations from the project
- Evidence of original thinking
- Quality of record keeping and compliance with Health & Safety requirements.
The students will also be assessed through their performance during a short viva voce examination They will be assessed on:
- overall understanding of the context of the project (e.g. prior work, potential societal impact of findings)
- synoptic understanding of broad science principles relevant to the project
- ability to answer questions precisely and concisely
- ability to discuss critically and interpret data/results/observations
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Project plan | 5% |
Final Report | 70% |
Viva voce | 25% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Literature review | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External