Courses / Modules / MEDI6232 Research Skills for Biomedical Science 1 (RSBS 1)

Research Skills for Biomedical Science 1 (RSBS 1)

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Scott Harris
Academic year

Module overview

This module will introduce you to key concepts underlying a broad range of biomedical research methodology. The module will focus on developing your understanding of what a research hypothesis is and what hypothesis testing is, how it is structured with aims and learning outcomes, how you construct a research hypothesis yourself and develop it into a research proposal. The module will also develop your understanding of various appropriate statistical methodologies including data distribution, confidence intervals, significance testing, data manipulation, parametric and non-parametric tests, sample size and power calculations, correlation and regression, ANOVA and multiplicity. During the module you will also study methods of organising data sets and consider how to present data and statistical findings appropriately. The course is taught through a combination of lectures and interactive sessions using computer workstations. Practical examples of datasets derived from research groups within the Faculty will be used to provide context to the theoretical aspects of the course. You will be taught how to use both SPSS and Graphpad PRISM for both statistical analysis and presentation of data. At the end of this module, you should understand how to analyse a variety of types of data, and to be able to evaluate the analysis of data in published research.