Module overview
The Selected Unit allow students to develop skills and experience in any clinical postgraduate speciality provided within the final year training centres.
The module will normally take the format of a 3 week placement in one or more of our University of Southampton partner trusts. The timing will vary for different student groups and the teaching staff will vary for different trusts and student groups. As is the nature of clinical placements, the exact learning experiences of each student will be variable however all students will receive the same broad opportunities sufficient to achieve the learning outcomes of the module and it is expected that students will take responsibility for making the most of the opportunities provided and being pro-active in securing experiences in areas in which they feel they are weak and/or they have had least learning experiences.
Further details will be provided on Blackboard.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Describe and evaluate the diagnosis and management of patients in the speciality
- Discuss the principles and application of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of disease
- Take responsibility for your own learning and your continuing professional development
- Communicate effectively with a range of individuals including your educational supervisor, other colleagues and patients as appropriate
- Detail the requirements for pursuing a career in your SSU Field
- Have a detailed knowledge of the academic and clinical experience needed to achieve specialisation as a doctor working in your SSU specialty
- Demonstrate the value of a Learning Logbook by showing examples of how keeping a reflective log has assisted in planning your educational needs
- Demonstrate that you have made use of the educational opportunities open to you and carefully planned your interaction with the learning environment
- Assess how health behaviours and outcomes are affected by the diversity of the patient population
- Explain psychological factors that contribute to illness, the course of the disease and success of treatment
- Make accurate observations of clinical phenomena and appropriate critical analysis of clinical data
- Demonstrate your ability to take charge of own educational needs
- Demonstrate during your attachment that you can work effectively within a multiprofessional team
- Explain and apply the basic principles of communicable disease control in hospital and community settings
- Undertake other aspects of patient care as appropriate to the setting, which may include care of patients in emergencies, carrying out practical procedures safely as listed in the outcomes for graduates; using information in a clinical context
- Apply theoretical frameworks of psychology to explain the varied response of individuals, groups and societies to disease
- Undertake consultations with patients as appropriate to your chosen speciality
- Apply findings from the literature to answer questions raised by specific clinical problems
- Contribute to safe, effective and economic prescribing of drugs if appropriate to the setting
This is an essential, core component of the curriculum. Students will complete their SSU in a 3-week block of time according to the following conditions:
- All students except for those on the BM(EU) programme will conduct their SSU within the Wessex Region. Options for BM(EU) students will be available on Blackboard.
- SSUs will be one 3 week attachment
- SSUs will provide experience of the specialty chosen
- To meet the module learning objectives at least 2 weeks of the SSU must be spent in a GMC recognised specialty that allows direct patient access.
Students will be expected to work with specialists as well as training grades at all levels within the SSU specialty.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
The module will be taught through a range of learning and teaching strategies which may include:
- Tutor led tutorials
- Practical sessions
- Guided self-study to include an expectation that the student will review the college and specialty society websites as well as the BMJ Careers sections on their specialty area to develop their 300 word pathways submission
- Problem solving scenarios
- Role play
- Group work
- Learning Log
- Study packs
- eLearning
Doctors work in shift patterns and rotas throughout much of their working lives and to prepare you for such working once you graduate, throughout your programme you will be expected to undertake placements in the evenings, at nights and at weekends. This will not be an onerous requirement and will be negotiated well in advance so that students with carers’ requirements will be able to ensure appropriate arrangements are in place for cover
Within this module there may be some core/compulsory activities that will take place in the evenings, nights or weekends therefore students will commitments that will be affected by these should be pro-active in securing details of these activities well in advance of the start of the module. In addition, many non core learning opportunities will be available during these times and students are encouraged to take advantage of them
Type | Hours |
Preparation for scheduled sessions | 27.5 |
Completion of assessment task | 20 |
Placement Hours | 140 |
Total study time | 187.5 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
Blackboard and the Library Online. Please see the Blackboard module page for current resources and the full reading list for this module is available on the Library Online Reading List at
Assessment strategy
For assessments with no percentage contribution recorded, students will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.End of Placement Evaluation
- Satisfactory attendance and professional behaviour
- Evaluation of clinical and overall performance relative to learning outcomes
- Satisfactory use of the logbook.Each element of assessment must be passed; there is no compensation between them.
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal