Courses / Modules / MEDI3054 Introduction to Clinical Medicine in Southampton

Introduction to Clinical Medicine in Southampton

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Sylvia Pender
Academic year

Module overview

This module is the introductory module in the International Transfer BM programme, specifically designed to introduce international transfer students to medicine in Southampton.

The BM programmes are however highly contextualised and integrated programmes in which the application of knowledge and understanding, clinical skills and professional practice applicable to medicine are learned through a range of modules none of which are stand- alone. Therefore this module should be recognised by students and teachers alike as part of the whole year and programme. As is the nature of clinical placements, the exact learning experiences of each student will be variable. However, all students will receive the same broad opportunities sufficient to achieve the learning outcomes of the module, and it is expected that students will take responsibility for making the most of the opportunities provided and being pro-active in securing experiences in areas in which they feel they are weak and/or they have had least learning experiences.