Module overview
This module is suitable for students with A level Mathematic (grade B or higher). – Students with AS level Mathematics are required to take MATH1004 instead.
The aim of the module is to provide students with the necessary skills and confidence to apply a range of mathematical methods to problems in the physical sciences. Both MATH1006 and MATH1008
cover essentially the same topics in calculus that are of relevance to applications in the physical sciences but MATH1008 is aimed at students taking degrees in chemistry, geology and oceanography. Physics students should take MATH1006.
The aim of the module is to provide students with the necessary skills and confidence to apply a range of mathematical methods to problems in physics. The module begins by looking at vectors in 2 and 3 dimensions, introducing the dot and cross products, and discussing some simple applications. This is followed by a section on matrices, determinants, and eigenvalue problems. The course then reviews polynomial equations and introduces complex numbers. After this, some basic abstract concepts related to functions and their inverses are discussed. The main part of the unit covers the basics of calculus, starting with limits, and going on to look at derivatives and Taylor series. The concept of integration is then defined, followed by an exploration (by means of examples) of various methods of integration.
One of the pre-requisites for MATH1007, MATH1049, MATH2015 and MATH3072