Courses / Modules / LAWS6178 Admiralty Law: Enforcement of Maritime Claims

Admiralty Law: Enforcement of Maritime Claims

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Andrea Lista
Academic year

Module overview

The enforcement of claims through the Admiralty Court is crucial in maritime law. From the claimant’s perspective, many liabilities may be enforced through a claim in rem which is a prerequisite to the arrest of a ship. Ship arrest is one of the most powerful securities available for many maritime claims. After an arrest, the shipowner’s P&I Club may provide security to precure a release, or, alternatively, the ship may be sold through the court. From the shipowner’s perspective, its most precious defence is the entitlement to limit liability and constitute a limitation fund. This entitlement is crucial not only for shipowners, but also their P&I Clubs and makes maritime activity insurable.

This module considers the substantive and procedural issues about bringing claims in the Admiralty court, ship arrest and shipowners’ limitation of liability, as well as how Admiralty Jurisdiction is exercised subject to general rules of private international law.