Module overview
Young people engage, and always have, in activity which is wrongful and harmful. How, as a liberal democratic society, should we respond to that behaviour? This is the central concern of this module. Through discussion of recent research, legislation and policy documents the module considers the present approach to youth justice in England Wales and draws upon theoretical and empirical scholarship, and some historical and comparative policy material, to subject that policy and practice to critical scrutiny.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- critically evaluate law, policy and procedure and appraise the impact of new law on the working practice of practitioners;
- assess the importance of political principles and values and the relationship between law and policy;
- construct arguments clearly and coherently in writing and/or orally through seminar discussion;
- demonstrate independence of mind in the presentation and defence of an argument, both orally and in writing.
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- the nature, extent and aetiological theory in relation to youth crime;
- the historical background to and political foundations of contemporary youth justice policy, and the popular and media discussion of that policy;
- the key legislative provisions governing the response to youth crime within the youth justice process;
- the concepts of youth and childhood in historical, sociological and legal discourse;
- the roles of non-legal or non-criminal agencies in dealing with youth crime.
- the role of the personnel within the youth justice process;
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- manage your time effectively.
- identify and analyse key policy issues;
- think critically, develop coherent arguments orally and/or in writing, communicate arguments to a group of peers and defend your position under challenge;
- locate and analyse relevant legal, political and other primary and secondary source materials;
- distinguish relevant from irrelevant materials;
- The nature and extent of youth crime
- The aetiological explanations for youth crime
- Historical, sociological and legal conceptions of childhood
- Doli Incapax
- Approaches to youth justice policy
- Policing and young people
- The law and practice of diversion
- The structure, personnel and legal powers of youth courts and Crown Courts in dealing with young offenders
- Community sentences
- Custodial sentences
- Restorative Justice
- Approaches to youth crime in comparative jurisdictions
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
This module is taught through lectures and tutorials. The emphasis in these classes is on reflective and critical analysis and discussion of policy, law and practice in relation to each topic covered on the syllabus. This may take the form of small group discussions, as well as structured and guided open forum discussion. Where appropriate you are required to engage in role play exercises in order to appraise existing law and policy and design new proposals from a variety of political, policy-maker and practitioner perspectives.
You are provided with module materials using Blackboard. These materials include a module outline, a statement of the learning outcomes, a summary of recent year's results and a statement explaining and responding to the feedback from the previous year's students.
The lectures will be supported with handouts and/or powerpoint slides. In addition each tutorial will have a document explaining the topic to be discussed, a brief outline of the critical issues that arise within that topic and a set of questions to consider on the topic and discussion or role play tasks that you should prepare for, to be completed in the tutorial. You are encouraged to read widely around the topic using a variety of authoritative academic and official sources from both the library and the internet.
Preparation for and participation in lectures and tutorials will develop:
- Your knowledge, understanding and critical evaluation of law, policy and theoretical principles in the field of youth crime and youth justice
- Your ability to construct arguments clearly and coherently orally through seminar discussion
- Your ability to demonstrate independence of mind in the oral presentation and defence of an argument
- Your ability to work in groups as a participant who contributes effectively to the group's task.
- Your ability to effectively manage your time
Type | Hours |
Wider reading or practice | 20 |
Tutorial | 8 |
Lecture | 20 |
Completion of assessment task | 42 |
Preparation for scheduled sessions | 60 |
Total study time | 150 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
Resources. A core text is not recommended for this module. A module handbook and Blackboard site is provided with key resources for each lecture and tutorial that will be available in the University library or online. You are also expected to use the library and the internet to research beyond these resources for particular exercises. This research will include accessing official statistics and quantitative research data on youth crime and justice, official reports, consultation papers and white papers from government websites, as well as reading academic journal articles and scholarly texts in the subject.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback:
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Coursework | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Coursework | 100% |
An internal repeat is where you take all of your modules again, including any you passed. An external repeat is where you only re-take the modules you failed.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Coursework | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External