Module overview
This aim of this module is to build an understanding of the physics of active control. Active control is a method for realising control through the use of secondary sources or actuation, whose outputs are designed to modify the response of a system. Techniques for modelling and analysis of active control of sound, vibration and mechatronics problems will be presented. The feasibility of active control will be demonstrated in a variety of industrial applications.
Linked modules
Pre-requisite ISVR2041 OR SESM3030
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of active control of sound
- Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of active control of vibration
- Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of active control of mechanical systems
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Able to synthesise information from a range of sources.
- Able to Apply critical analysis and evaluation skills.
- Able to communicate clearly in written reports.
- Able to write simple computer programs and reports.
- Able to read, understand and interpret scientific papers.
Full CEng Programme Level Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- The students will be assessed in their abilitiy to investigate complex active control problems via computer-based laboratories working with real-world data and coding the digital control algorithms used in practice.
- Through tackling complex practical active control problems, the students will be required to apply both mathematical methods and engineering principles related to control. The methods will be at the forefront of the active control discipline and the analysis will require broader understanding of how the active control methods are complementary to the wider context of control.
- The assessments will require students to write-up their laboratory work and thus demonstrate effective written communication skills on the subject of active control systems.
- As part of the assessment, students are given the opportunity to explore and describe broader applications of active control systems, which will require them to select and critically evaluate technical literature in this discipline and discuss the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of active control approaches.
- Appropriate active control strategies will be selected and applied to tackle real-world noise, vibration and mechanical control problems. Assessments will include analysis of the limitations and alterative solutions.
- Active control is inherently a systems-based solution, which integrates understanding of both physical system behaviour (in terms of acoustics, vibration or mechanics) and control theory to bring about appropriate control system design. During the assessment, students will tackle practical active control problems requiring modelling, analysis and interpretation of both of these aspects taking an integrated, systems approach.
- Given real-world complex control problems, the students will need to select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model the both the physical system and the control system. Interpreatation of the results will require them to demonstrate an understanding of the limitations of the techniques employed.
- Through given practical active control problems, students will need to formulate and analyse complex control problems and interpret the results to reach substantiated conclusions. Real-world data will be provided to realise and evaluate different active control approaches and the students will use subject knowledge and engineering judgment to discuss the limitations of the techniques employed.
Cognitive Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Define the equations which govern feedback and feedforward control strategies.
- Be able to assess the suitability of different control strategies for a wide range of practical applications.
- Obtain active control solutions for simple benchmark problems.
- Be able to further develop and apply the control algorithms presented in the course to other areas.
Subject Specific Practical Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Develop simple control algorithms to control sound, vibration and mechanical systems.
- Select an appropriate control strategy for various applications of noise, vibration and mechanical system control. For example, active noise cancelling headphones, active vibration isolation of machinery and position control for robotics.
- Develop simulation models to predict the behaviour of the system under control.
• Active control of plane waves in ducts.
• Strategies for active control including reflection and absorption.
• The use of quadratic optimisation in determining the performance of control systems.
• The principles of single-channel control systems for tonal and random signals.
• The use of the LMS algorithm in active control systems.
• Active control of freefield sound.
• Multichannel control of tones and random disturbances.
• Active control of enclosed sound fields.
• Active structural acoustic control using integrated actuators and sensors.
• Stability, performance and robustness of feedback systems.
• Active headsets.
• Active vibration isolation systems.
• Active control of waves in structures.
• Adaptive signal processing and identification.
• Control of nonlinear systems.
• Modal control.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Series of lectures, Laboratory sessions.
Problem based-learning – Simulation in Matlab using measured data.
Type | Hours |
Completion of assessment task | 21 |
Seminar | 3 |
Follow-up work | 24 |
Revision | 21 |
Lecture | 24 |
Practical classes and workshops | 9 |
Wider reading or practice | 24 |
Preparation for scheduled sessions | 24 |
Total study time | 150 |
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Continuous Assessment | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Set Task | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External