Module overview
This module forms the 'capstone' of the taught component of the Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (ANNP) programme. You will be supported to explore in depth the meaning of advanced practice and its associated concepts (such as specialist practice and expert practice), and to critically consider the theory practice links between the extensive literature debating these concepts and neonatal practice. It will also enable you to critically explore the four ‘pillars’ of advanced practice i.e. advanced clinical practice, education, research and leadership, and to evidence and critically reflect upon your transition to an ANNP in relation to these pillars. The module also equips you to be formally assessed in practice as an ANNP against the four pillars, so enabling you to demonstrate the higher level of autonomy which the role requires, and your ability to make clinical judgements in situations that are complex or uncertain. To achieve this you will undertake assessments both clinical and theoretical which are based on the capabilities published by Health Education England (2017).
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Demonstrate the integration and evaluation of assessment, diagnostic reasoning, complex decision making and therapeutic intervention maintaining a focus on health promotion and family-centred care
- Critically consider the hallmarks of effective personal and professional leadership when working within and across professional boundaries, demonstrating effective management of change, risk and uncertainty, and acting as a role model, consultant, advocate, mentor and innovator.
- Critically evaluate and apply neonatal research, using evidence-based practice to underpin and improve service development and promote high quality standards and a culture of safety and organisational learning
- Critically reflect on and evaluate your role transition towards autonomous advanced clinical practice, demonstrating a breadth of neonatal capabilities i.e. knowledge, skills and behaviours.
- Initiate and manage neonatal care both in partnership with others and within the boundaries of your scope of professional practice
- Critically reflect on the educational role of the ANNP applying educational principles to your development of your self and peers, and your role as an educator and promotor of health and wellbeing for the neonate and their family.
This module has been specifically designed to enable integration of the learning and personal/professional development that occurs during study of the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice and your preparation for the role of Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (ANNP).
The module content is designed to allow you to critically explore and debate both national and international perspectives on advanced clinical practice, and their underpinning evidence base. It recognises that there are marked regional, national and international variations in how advanced practice roles are articulated and enacted, as well as variations across the different healthcare professions. However it also recognises the growing consensus around the four pillars of advanced clinical practice, leadership, research and education as the key hallmarks of advanced practice, and takes these as the basis for the syllabus content.
It also recognises that ANNPs work at the interface between their own profession and medicine, and the importance of those working in advanced practitioner roles demonstrating the clinical capabilities that this higher level of responsibility and professional autonomy requires.
The module will enable you to explore and identify what advanced practice means within the context of your own professional practice role, enable you to demonstrate the clinical capabilities required for your ANNP role, and equip you to further develop your role as an ANNP beyond the end of the module.
Core content will include:
- Analysis of the concept and scope of advanced practice focusing on both national and international perspectives, and exploration of the interface of advanced practice accountability, clinical governance, autonomy, specialist practice and expert practice.
- Exploration of the integration and application to practice of advanced health assessment skills, diagnostic skills, complex decision making, therapeutic management, and speciality specific knowledge and skills acquired during the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme.
- Role transition and professional identity in advanced practice, including professional and service user perspectives on advanced practice and its meaning and place within current and future healthcare delivery, and the implications of working at the interface between your own profession and medicine in situations of increasing complexity and uncertainty.
- Legal and ethical issues underpinning advanced/autonomous practice, including the management of risk and uncertainty.
- Leadership and management of change within advanced practice, including exploration of leadership of both self and others.
- Exploration of the educator role of the ANNP, focusing on the education of self, peers and recipients of care, including the role of the ANNP with regard to health promotion and illness prevention.
- The application of evidenced based practice within the ANNP role including the role of the advanced practitioner in service evaluation and clinical audit.
- The role of the ANNP in the context of the multi-disciplinary/multi agency team.
- UK and international health and social care policy in relation to advanced practice.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Within this module you will build on your experience as an experienced neonatal nurse and the knowledge and skills gained from the other modules that you have studied on the programme, to demonstrate your transition to an ANNP. You will integrate the knowledge, skill and behaviours required of an ANNP in order to achieve the learning outcomes and demonstrate the required capabilities within the context of your professional role and neonatal practice.
Although lectures by experts within the field of advanced practice will form a central component of the module, a key emphasis will be on student centred debate and critical appraisal. This will enable you to fully explore the meaning of advanced practice within the context of your ANNP role and future career development.
Teaching and learning methods are likely to include several of the following:
- Seminars
- Action Learning Groups (ALG)
- Case presentations
- Lectures
- Critique of published papers and policies
- Group debate/critical discussion.
- Self -directed learning.
- The teaching and supervision of advanced clinical skills
Key contributors to the module include active researchers, ANNPs, doctors and experts in the field of advanced clinical practice.
Type | Hours |
Independent Study | 210 |
Teaching | 40 |
Total study time | 250 |
Resources & Reading list
Internet Resources
Association of Advanced Practice Educators.
HEE - Advanced Clinical Practice Framework.
Advanced and enhanced clinical practice.
Behaviour change: individual approaches (Public health guideline PH49).
Journal Articles
McCready T (2007). Portfolios and the assessment of competence in nursing: a literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 4(1 - Pages 143-151).
Northouse PG (2018). Leadership Theory and Practice. London: Sage.
Hamric, A. Hanson, C. Tracy, MF, and O’Grady, E. (2018). Advanced Practice Nursing. Elsevier.
Assessment strategy
In order to successfully complete this module you need to have achieved the following:
* an overall pass mark of 50% from the Viva Voce
* a pass mark of 50% or more from your portfolio
* successful completion of the defined number of the essential clinical skills which are - venepuncture, cannulation, airway management and intubation.
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
Mock Viva voce
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback: This mock viva takes place approximately 8 weeks prior to the summative viva and it will have a crucial role in preparing you for the final viva. You will receive an overall formative mark and comprehensive feedback and feedforward from the Examiners and the module lead. This feedback will be verbal and written and it will focus specifically on areas that can be further developed.
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Viva voce | 50% |
Portfolio of practice | 50% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External