Courses / Modules / HIST6163 Challenge and Change: Independent Project Portfolio

Challenge and Change: Independent Project Portfolio

When you'll study it
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Christopher Fuller
Academic year

Module overview

The culmination of your Masters’ degree, this module will provide you with the opportunity to convert your learning into a prospectus for delivering change. Through the Global Challenges in Historical Perspective modules, you have become familiar with a range of real-world problems. The Effecting Change modules, meanwhile, have allowed you to become proficient in the creation of different advocacy and educational products, from policy briefs, opinion pieces, lesson plans, exhibition, plans, video essays, data visualisations and podcasts.

Your final project portfolio will enable you to develop a prospectus for addressing a contemporary challenge, demonstrating both your understanding of that challenge and your ability to imagine and communicate a meaningful response to it. Your portfolio will include, alongside an outline proposal and project plan, two project outputs, using the communication method(s) of your choosing. While you will work independently to produce the final submission, through group workshops you will be given the space and time to work collaboratively to design and plan your project.