Courses / Modules / HIST2045 Cleopatra’s Egypt

Cleopatra’s Egypt

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Sarah Pearce
Academic year

Module overview

‘It is well done, and fitting for a princess descended of so many royal kings'. Shakespeare's words on the suicide of Cleopatra VII echo rare ancient Roman admiration for the last queen of Egypt. Defeated by Rome, Cleopatra's choice of death might show a glimpse of her noble origins. But what of her life and the world that made her? Roman propaganda made a monster of Cleopatra: power-mad; sexually depraved; fanatical, animal-worshipping Egyptian; a stain on the glorious reputation of Alexander the Great who brought her ancestors to Egypt. That legacy proved powerful and enduring. Can we get behind the propaganda to the real Cleopatra and her context? We explore the world of Cleopatra's Egypt; its multicultural society and relationship with Roman power; and the fragmentary remains of Cleopatra's life and rule. And we reflect, finally, on Cleopatra's post-mortem power on the western imagination, from Shakespeare to Hollywood and beyond.