Courses / Modules / GLHE6007 Methods and Analysis of Global Health Trends and Differentials

Methods and Analysis of Global Health Trends and Differentials

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Kristine Nilsen
Academic year

Module overview

The primary objective of this module is to provide an overview of the conceptual, methodological and empirical basis for quantifying levels of population health focusing on low income countries. More specifically, the module covers:

  • The conceptual underpinnings for measurement of global health;
  • Key approaches and challenges to collecting information on various dimensions of health;
  • Characteristics and limitations of frequently used data sources in the computation of health metrics;
  • Measurements and interpretation of health inequalities;
  • Methods for combining multi-dimensional information into summary measures of overall health-state levels;
  • Health systems monitoring frameworks and application of results-chains