Courses / Modules / GGES6022 Research Skills and Project Work

Research Skills and Project Work

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Jadunandan Dash
Academic year

Module overview

A range of skills are required for those wishing to work in the realm of remote sensing and spatial analysis. This module will help develop your skills base with regard to academic skills as well as those of particular value to further research and/or employment. The skills will be developed within the context of topics in remote sensing and spatial analysis.

This module builds on the academic and practical skills developed in GGES6021 but places greater emphasis on group project work. This will focus on a research proposal chosen by your group which employs geospatial technologies and analysis. Written work will be divided into (i) a Literature Review and (ii) a Research Grant Application. Projects will involve working effectively both as individuals and in a team. Groups will need to provide a pitch-style presentation delivered in a Pecha Kucha format to introduce and outline their idea for the research proposal. Formative feedback will be given for this presentation to help shape each group’s final research grant application.