Courses / Modules / GERO6054 Ageing in Africa: Research and Policy (DL)

Ageing in Africa: Research and Policy (DL)

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Christoph Heuser
Academic year

Module overview

This module provides a critical understanding of the dynamics of ageing in Africa, drawing on empirical evidence. You will evaluate the policy implications of the context of ageing in Africa and critically examine the social, health and economic polices implemented across the continent. You will gain an understanding of the development of social gerontology in Africa and the national and international discourses regarding older age in the region. This module is multidisciplinary and draws on the health and social sciences disciplines.

Throughout the module you will develop an understanding of the linkages between ageing research and policy. You will be encouraged to critique the research presented, and evaluate policies in light of it. Examples will be drawn from across the continent and the diversity and importance of context for understanding experiences of ageing will be highlighted. The module provides an opportunity to identify and share your own examples of ageing research, policy and programmes as you actively contribute to the development of African gerontology.