Courses / Modules / GERO6050 Demographic Change, Ageing & Globalisation

Demographic Change, Ageing & Globalisation

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Elisabeth Schroeder-Butterfill
Academic year

Module overview

This module provides you with a foundation of knowledge on demographic change and population ageing in a cross-cultural, global perspective. The module views ageing through an international development lens, focusing on less economically developed countries (LEDCs) and on linkages between different regions of the world. You will gain an understanding of the implications of contemporary demographic and health changes for the welfare of individuals, families and societies; and an awareness of how, with globalisation, demographic, social and economic change in one part of the world impacts upon trends in another. The module takes an intergenerational and lifecourse approach by stressing the close interaction between generations, and between older and younger selves, in the production of care, risk, and welfare in later life. You will be introduced to examples from around the world, including Southeast, East and South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America.