Courses / Modules / FEEG6039 Practical Support For the Analysis of Studies Involving Human Subjects

Practical Support For the Analysis of Studies Involving Human Subjects

When you'll study it
Semester 2
Level 7
Module lead
Stefan Bleeck
Academic year

Module overview

This is a non-credit bearing module designed to provide practical support for Master's-level research projects within the School of Engineering that involves qualitative or quantitative analysis of studies with human participants. It consists of a set of online resources and workshops throughout Semester 2 and the summer, including support for using SPSS and NVIVO. The module is not designed to provide theoretical underpinning to research methods or analysis, which is provided by separate credit-bearing modules, or dedicated support for your research project, which is provided by your research supervisor. The module will offer practical guidance on undertaking a range of analysis techniques using common software packages and provide opportunities for supervised practice using those to support the design and analysis of your project.