Module overview
Within the context of your programme of study, students will undertake independent, original and critical research on a relevant topic. Students will then communicate the research objectives, methodology, analysis, results and conclusions effectively both orally and through the production of a Dissertation.
Industrial placement or collaboration is strongly encouraged and facilitated.
The subject matter of the research based dissertation is provided in the School of Engineering project specification list offered by academic staff. Alternatively, students may initiate their own project in accordance with local arrangements within the different MSc programmes.
Whatever the topic, the background literature must be researched and critically reviewed so that analysis (mathematical or numerical) methods and/or experimental procedures may be identified and justified as appropriate to the challenges of the project specification. A pure subject review without either analysis or experimental investigation is deemed inappropriate for an MSc dissertation.
A research project from a discipline that is different to the MSc programme being followed may be undertaken where the invitation to participate is sufficiently open and the student has the necessary background knowledge and competence to permit meeting the project challenges in the timescale available.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Define aims and objectives. Partition the project into a manageable sequence of tasks with clearly defined deliverables and milestones that can be achieved in realistic timescales.
- Design an appropriate methodology (such as an experiment or simulation) that will answer the research question. Provide justification for the approach adopted considering possible sources of bias or error in the methods used.
- Effectively communicate the results and conclusions of the research both orally and in writing. Use a scientific writing style with clear referencing and documentation of results.
- Provide (where appropriate) an analysis (for example using statistics) to define the degree of or uncertainty in the results and their possible implications.
- Critically evaluate the quality of the project (for example strengths and weaknesses of the study), discuss findings in the context of previous literature and make suggestions for future follow-on research
- Critically appraise existing literature on your dissertation subject, explain concepts where relevant and synthesise information from a range of sources in order to define a research question and/or scientific hypotheses that can be tested.
- Produce overall conclusions that are supported by the data and summarise the project in an abstract.
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Reflect on your performance and identify areas for self development.
- Apply critical analysis and judgement.
- Develop scientific writing skills including clear documentation of results and accurate referencing.
- Effectively manage tasks and solve problems
- Effectively organise time to deliver on the dissertation's aims within the limited time available
Full CEng Programme Level Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- During their MSc dissertation project, students apply fundamental knowledge to solve complex problems. The dissertation is assessed to ensure it includes a comprehensive review of existing academic literature. This ensures that the work is based on the forefront of current knowledge and set against new developments.
- As part of their MSc dissertation, students are required to reflect on the environmental and societal impact of their work and proposed ideas, and consider ways to minimise adverse impacts.
- During MSc dissertation projects, students are required to conduct a thorough background review including academic literature as a basis for their project. This is formatively assessed at an early stage through the scoping study and summatively assessed as part of the dissertation.
- During the MSc dissertation project, students are required to conduct a research project which shows some evidence of originality. Students formulate aims and objectives that will typically address needs at a societal or user level. All students are required to submit a risk assessment to address health and safety. Students are also required to reflect on the environmental and sustainability impact of their work.
- During their MSc dissertation project, students apply suitable computational or analytical techniques to their problems. Discussion of limitations is a key part of the assessed analysis and interpretation sections of the dissertation.
- MSc dissertations are assessed for quality of communication. Students are also assessed with a poster presentation where the work is presented, and they are asked questions by staff who are not specialist in the project field. Students reflect on the effectiveness of their poster presentations as part of their dissertation.
- During their MSc dissertation project, students formulate and analyse complex problems. Assessment targets analysis and interpretation of results and the formation of substantiated conclusions.
Subject Specific Practical Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Develop and apply appropriate data collection processes
- Appraise risks and hazards associated with the data collection element of the dissertation, considering issues of ethics and sustainability where appropriate. Appraise the risks for the project as a whole.
- Critically apply appropriate analysis methods to research data
Key stages in the process
Fixed Stages-
Semester 1
- around week 10 students submit their keyword preferences
Semester 2
- By end week 2 students given confirmation of Project Titile and supervisor, allocated according to keyword choices.
- Students start background reading related to the projects and start project meetings with their supervisor.
- Around Easter (see Blackboard for deadline) Scoping study submitted (compulsory formative - pass/fail). Note that scoping studies represent an investment of 60 hours of study and include a short background review, aims and objectives, an outline methodology and a draft risk assessment. The scoping study must be passed. to pass the module. Multiple attempts are allowed up to final deadline (see Blackboard).
- Feedback on scoping studies will be within four working weeks.
- The majority of project work is carried out from June onwards (data collection, analysis etc.)
- Poster presentation (summative) early September
- Submit final Dissertation by the agreed September deadline (see blackboard for deadline).
Ethical approvals for projects:
Where ethical approval is required this should be undertaken and approved by 1st July or as such as not to prevent project progress over the summer. Note that there can be a delay of a few weeks from submitting an ethical application to it being approved and sometimes revisions will be requested before final approval. These delays need to be taken into account in order for ethical approval to be obtained by 1st July, so it is advisable to apply for ethics in early May.
Supervision meetings:
Whilst there are no fixed timetabled teaching sessions these meetings are very important and need to be agreed early on in the project process at times mutually convenient to both supervisor and student. Preferably at the same time on the same day each week to avoid confusion.
Students have responsibility for taking the initiative in planning and managing these meetings and should maintain regular contact with their supervisor. It is good practice to produce agenda lists and any questions you wish to ask before supervisor meetings and send these to the supervisor before the meeting. After the meeting, produce notes on topics discussed, all actions agreed and any target dates for completion of tasks.
From Semester 2 onwards, supervision meetings should be sufficiently frequent to ensure that the project progresses well and deadlines such as the scoping study, poster presentation and draft/final dissertation can be untaken to the required standard. Typically meetings become more frequent after the semester 2 exams and through the summer with an average frequency then of about once a week.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching activities include supervision meetings and/or tutorials with your project supervisor. Lectures on risk assessment and writing dissertations as well as a seminar on research skills in the library. Learning activities, as private study, include the literature review, all aspects of the research and production of the Dissertation, for which you will be given Guidelines. Time spent on different activities will depend on the project topic.
Lectures or other teaching activities may cover (where relevant):
- Project Aims and Objectives
- Academic integrity
- Risk assessment
- Library Information Skills
- Information on writing dissertations coupled with workshops for English language support
- Computer packages familiarisation
- Laboratory training
- Presentation skills
Students who are on PT Programmes may take this module in a similar timescale, whereas those studying for MSc in Coastal & Marine Engineering Management* undertake the project as their personal programme defines.
An equivalent experience in terms of lecturing and tutoring will be provided for students on the Coastal & Marine Engineering & Management programme or part-time programmes where the timing of the project does not coincide with the standard.
Type | Hours |
Seminar | 5 |
Tutorial | 5 |
Supervised time in studio/workshop | 5 |
Project supervision | 20 |
Independent Study | 560 |
Practical classes and workshops | 5 |
Total study time | 600 |
Assessment strategy
The compulsory formative "scoping study" must be passed. Multiple attempts are allowed before the final deadline.
A candidate failing to achieve the Pass Mark in this module may submit a revised dissertation on one occasion only. Further experimental work, where relevant, is not normally permitted. The mark for a resubmitted dissertation will be combined with the previously achieved marks for the oral presentation according to the weightings above. The Module mark so achieved will be Capped at the Module Pass Mark to determine any degree classification. 1 x 90%
This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.
Project Plan and Methodology
- Assessment Type: Formative
- Feedback:
- Final Assessment: No
- Group Work: No
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Final Report | 90% |
Oral presentation | 10% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Oral presentation | 10% |
Final Report | 90% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal