Courses / Modules / ELEC6225 High Voltage Insulation Systems

High Voltage Insulation Systems

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Thomas Andritsch
Academic year

Module overview

This module provides a systematic understanding of knowledge and critical awareness of issues related to the management and design of high voltage insulation systems. The course introduces a number of topics related to the design and testing of insulation systems and breakdown phenomena in insulation materials. The students will also be exposed to research activities undertaken within the Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory. The lectures (seminars) are intended to support student self learning activities and it is expected that the students should make use of a wide range of information resources including current IEC standards and research papers. Two assessment activities are designed to provide scope for students to work as a team (bushing insulation design) and individually (partial discharge classification). A range of skills, including technical (electric field simulation and programming) and transferable skills (presentation) are required to complete the two assignments.

Students are not required to have taken ELEC3211 before taking ELEC6225, but it is strongly recommended.