Courses / Modules / ELEC3227 Embedded Networked Systems

Embedded Networked Systems

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Geoffrey Merrett
Academic year

Module overview

With rapid popularity and advancements in technologies like the internet-of-things (IoT) and network-on-chip (NoC), the ability to connect and network embedded devices is becoming ever more commonplace, and a feature of most electronic devices. This module is concerned with how electronic and computing devices can network with one-another. The module is not deeply concerned with physical layer communications, e.g. modulating signals onto carriers, as students already have a solid background in this from modules in previous years. The module explores the structure and purpose of layers in protocol stacks, through to example protocols and security implications of networking approaches and appropriate countermeasures. A key part of the module is the coursework, in which students design and implement their own network protocol(s).

Linked modules

Pre-requisites: ELEC1201