Courses / Modules / EDUC6514 Education and Society

Education and Society

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Rosalyn Hyde
Academic year

Module overview

The module provides an understanding of the relationship between education and society. This includes the ways in which education systems reflect broader economic, political, social and cultural structures and values; how these inform education policy; the impact of policy on education practice; and the experiences of educators and learners.

The module examines the processes and structures in different sectors, such as mainstream schooling, shadow education, vocational, and higher education and the impact these have on learners from different social groups. Issues of social class, gender and race and ethnicity are discussed. Drawing on theories of the sociology of education, we will look at educational inequalities (in relation to, for example, educational attainment, access and progression) and the factors that shape them.

We will critique particular policy initiatives, such as in relation to widening participation. We will explore these from a macro-perspective (including the political and economic conditions that have shaped policy), at the level of educational institutions (the 'meso level') and at the level of the classroom and individual learners ('micro level').