Courses / Modules / EDUC6416 PGCAPM3_LT: Enhancing Academic Practice: Learning and Teaching

PGCAPM3_LT: Enhancing Academic Practice: Learning and Teaching

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Erika Corradini
Academic year

Module overview

Building on M1 and M2, M3_LT provides further opportunities to enhance educator skills and knowledge. Project based, participants focus on producing an output which demonstrates their abilities to develop or innovate within their educator practice. A mixture of paper based and online resources will be available, (the latter eventually within a (M)OOC type platform), providing a base to support participants work in conjunction with small group / individual discussion/activities with PDU and other staff as required. The support of individual PCAP mentors may be supplemented by access to staff with topic based expertise as appropriate.