Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) 2024-25

Academic Regulations: Faculty of Social Sciences

SchoolSouthampton Education School
Final AwardPostgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
  • PGCE Primary
  • PGCE Secondary
  • PGCE Secondary School Direct
  • PGCE Professional Development
Last modifiedApril 2024

The Academic Regulations apply to and regulate the programme(s) listed above.

On occasion, programmes can be exempted from one or more of the clauses in the Regulations; one or more of the clauses can be varied; and programmes can impose additional requirements.

  • Exemptions are characterised by the omission of the relevant clause.
  • Variations are characterised by the replacement of the clause with alternative wording.
  • Additions are characterised by requirements in addition to those detailed in the Academic regulations.

The programmes listed have approval from the Academic Quality and Standards Subcommittee for the exemptions and/or variations and/or additions to the regulations noted below.


The clause(s) listed below describe where an exemption to the Regulations exists.

Existing University Regulation

Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Postgraduate Masters Programmes

Approved Exemption
6. Repeat
6.1 A student who has not passed at the first attempt or is not eligible to Refer, or who has Referred and not passed, may Repeat the taught part of the programme Internally or Externally as chosen by the student following academic advice from within the School.These programmes are exempt from Clauses 6.1 to 6.7 of section 6 (Repeat) of the Progression, Determination and Classification of Results: Postgraduate Master’s Programmes.
6.2Students choosing an External Repeat should ensure they are aware of the constraints related to dissertation completion as specified in Section 7 of these Regulations.
6.3Paragraph 3 of the Regulations and Definitions Applying to Progression for all Credit-Bearing Programmes should be consulted regarding the right to Repeat for students sponsored by the University to enter the UK under the points-based visa system.
6.4Internal Repeat: An Internal Repeat will consist of all taught Modules, including those passed at the first attempt.  Marks for Modules in which the Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt will be Capped at the Pass Mark; for all other Modules the actual mark obtained at Repeat will be used to calculate the Final Average Mark.
6.5External Repeat: An External Repeat will include only those taught Modules in which the Pass Mark was not obtained at the first attempt or at Referral.  Existing Module Marks for Modules not Repeated will be used to calculate the Final Average Mark.  Marks for Modules taken at External Repeat will be Capped at the Pass Mark to calculate the Final Average Mark.
6.6The Pass criteria for a student Repeating are the same as for the first attempt excluding the right of the Referral but retaining the right of Compensation (see section 4).  The taught part of a programme may be Repeated only once.  Should a student Fail the Repeated Modules, their registration with the University will end.  The student will be provided with a record of any Modules passed and an exit award if eligible.
6.7Where a student is undertaking their programme through part time study, it may be in the student’s best interests to Repeat Modules at the earliest opportunity, which may be outside of the normal assessment periods.  For such students, Repeats may be permitted while they are still completing their other taught Modules and Referrals.  The arrangements will be communicated via the Programme Handbook.


The clause(s) listed below describe where a variation to the Regulations exists:

None apply

Additional Requirements

The clause(s) listed below are in addition to the Regulations.

None apply

These regulations should be read in conjunction with the programme specification.


As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, these regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration, however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a student’s programme.