Use of University Property

1.  Students are required to pay the reasonable costs of damage done by them to any University property.

2.  Except where specified opening times apply, University and Students' Union buildings are normally closed to students on Bank Holidays, at weekends, during official closure periods and from 23:00 hours to 06:00 hours at other times. Between the hours of 18:00 and 23:00 and 06:00 to 08:00, use of buildings may be restricted. Postgraduate research students may seek permission under the Out of Hours Working Policy to work in University buildings during times when buildings are otherwise closed to students, subject to such permission being granted by the Head of School on completion of a health and safety assessment.

3.  Smoking is not permitted in or immediately outside any University buildings on the University campuses. Separate arrangements may apply in halls of residence in respect of individual study bedrooms designated as smoking rooms, or in any external smoking areas provided by the Students' Union.