Library Regulations

By complying with our Library regulations, you can help us to ensure that Library resources are shared fairly and are available to all our users. On joining the Library, you agree to abide by these regulations.

1. Admission to the Library

Readers of the University Library

1.1 The following people have the right to be readers in the University Library:

Admission as a Borrower

1.2 People who have the right to borrow from the University Library are:

  • a) Members of Court and Council, members of University staff; students registered for internal courses leading to a degree, diploma or certificate of the University;
  • b) retired members of staff of the University; members of staff employed by the Natural Environmental Research Council at the National Oceanographic Centre;
  • c) Members of staff and students of organisations as defined in agreements with the University explicitly for the delivery of Library Services.

1.3 Further information about the right to borrow is in Library Regulations Schedule 2: Admission to the University of Southampton Library as a Reader and as a Borrower.

1.4 The privilege of borrowing from the Library is also extended to certain other people. A complete list is in Library Regulations Schedule 1, which is available from the Library website.

1.5 The privilege of borrowing from the Library does not include access to all Library collections nor to all Library services.

2. The Privilege of Using or Borrowing

2.1 The privilege of using Library services or borrowing Library materials can be restricted or withdrawn by the Librarian if a person breaches Library regulations.

3. Library card

3.1 Your staff, student or external borrower card is very important. You need it to borrow items from the Library. At certain times, you will need it to gain entry into the building. Bring your card with you when you visit the Library. Don’t allow anyone else to use your card, either to gain entry to the Library or to borrow books. If you are found to be using a card that does not belong to you, staff have the right to retain the card for return to its rightful owner.

4. Behaviour in the Library

4.1 We aim to provide an appropriate environment for academic study in the Library. These activities are forbidden anywhere in the Library:

  • Loud conversations or other disturbances
  • Rude or threatening behaviour towards other Library users or Library staff
  • Smoking and vaping
  • Reserving of study desks by leaving belongings or books in place, unaccompanied for longer than 30 minutes

4.2 You should keep study areas (including Group Study Rooms) clean, tidy and free from litter. Eating and drinking is allowed in designated areas.

4.3 You must not mark, mutilate or damage Library property in any way.

4.4 You must have your University ID, or temporary Library card with you at all times when in the Library and show it to Library staff if you are asked to do so.

4.5 Staff have the right to inspect any books or other Library items that you attempt to take out of the Library. If you are found trying to remove items that have not been issued to you, you may be reported to the Librarian for further action under the University’s Discipline Regulations.

5. Borrowing

5.1 If you want to borrow any item from the Library, you must ensure that it is properly issued to you. You need a card to be able to borrow from the Library. When you borrow an item, you will be informed of the date on which it is due back. Once a book or other item has been issued to you, you are responsible for it until it has been returned. If an item on loan is recalled there may be a reduction in the loan period of the item.

5.2 Items on loan may be recalled by other users. You must return items to the Library by the date notified on the recall notice.

5.3 If you need an item which is on loan to somebody else, you can place a hold via your Library account. You will be notified by email when the item is available for you to collect.

5.4 You should return all loan items and clear any charges before you complete your course of study or before your Library membership expires.

6. Access to the Library

6.1 Details of opening hours of all Library sites are published on the Library website.

6.2 Users of the Library's electronic materials must abide by the University Regulations for the use of Computers and Voice and Data Communications.

6.3 If the emergency or fire alarms sound or you are asked by a member of staff to leave the Library building, you must leave the building immediately.

6.4 Special regulations apply for access to the University manuscript collections. You can see these here: Library Regulations Schedule 4: Regulations for the use of Manuscript Collections.

7. Library Regulations and Schedules