Limited places available to start in September
Clearing 2024: we've got you
A group of six students sat on or around a brown leather sofa in a students' union. All of the students are smiling, and some are holding hands or have their arms around each other. There is a neon sign of video game characters and a TV mounted on the wall behind them.

Clearing is now open. We are here to give you the support and advice you need to consider your options. Find out more about Clearing and apply for one of our courses today.

We are a research-intensive university and a founding member of the Russell Group.

I was trained by some amazing people who gave me real-life experience and the competency to work as an audiologist. The University does a great job preparing you for the real world and the placement gives you the practical experience.
Isabel McGauley
BSc Audiology

Our researchers are changing the world for the better