Web Science Institute

Human-centred artificial intelligence

Our research focuses on anticipating and understanding the adaptations humanity will need to make to work and live with artificial intelligence.

We aim to model the risks AI might pose and explore how those risks might be avoided or dealt with. We examine how AI might help address social problems, and how to manage its disruptive effects on social infrastructure.  

Our research investigates:  

  • building trustworthy and accountable data infrastructures for AI and machine learning  
  • the ethics, regulation and governance of AI  
  • AI’s impacts on society and social groups such as urban populations and disadvantaged or underrepresented communities  
  • AI’s impacts on social values, such as privacy, citizenship and equality  
  • how AI can best help develop the large and highly skilled global workforce that will be needed to drive an increasingly innovative economy 
  • AI's applications in various sectors, ranging from education and academia to the creative and cultural industries  

Funding for research

We provide funding for research for PhD students interested in conducting research related to human-centred artificial intelligence. 

Contact us

If you’re a researcher, policymaker or industry representative and you have a project proposal or other need related to this theme, please contact theme lead Mark Weal.