Professor Sam Chamberlain

Professor Sam Chamberlain

 MB/BChir, PhD, MRCPsych
Professor of Psychiatry

Research interests

  • Clinical conditions of interest include Impulsive/Compulsive Disorders; such as but not limited to Gambling disorder, Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder), Skin picking (also known as excoriation) disorder, Compulsive Stealing, Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • My work also explores mental health and well-being of university students.

More research

Connect with Sam


I am an academic psychiatrist with a particular interest in impulsive and compulsive symptoms. These are symptoms in which people have difficulty resisting urges and/or habits, leading to distress and impairment in day-to-day life. My work is 'translational' - which means I use a variety of scientific methodologies to better understand the causes of these symptoms and how to treat them.

I am Service Director of the Southern Gambling Treatment Clinic, and also lead a specialist Clinic for Impulsive and Compulsive Disorders in the wider sense. I am proud that these NHS clinical services are joint collaborations between the University of Southampton and Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.

I lead the Mental Health Research Hub, at Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Wessex. The Hub focuses on expanding the region's ability to conduct applied clinical research across the region, for mental health conditions that are linked to health inequalities and often go under-detected and under-treated.