Research project

Prof C T Sachrajda STFC Theory and Phenomenology


Lead researchers

Emeritus Professor Christopher Sachrajda FRS, FInstP, CPhys, PhD

Research interests

  • Developing Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the quantum field theory of the strong-nuclear force and implementing it studies of particle physics phenomenology. 
Connect with Christopher
Other researchers

Professor Alexander Belyaev

Professor of Physics

Research interests

  • Theory and phenomenology of elementary particle physics and cosmology beyond the standard model
  • Supersymmetry, extra-dimensions and technicolor and their Dark Matter cosmological connections
Connect with Alexander

Emeritus Professor Doug Ross FRS

Research interests

  • Perturbative QCD
  • Pomerons and low-x Physics
  • Physics beyond the Standard Model
Connect with Doug

Emeritus Professor Stephen King FInstP, CPhys, PhD

Research interests

  • The Flavour Problem and Neutrino Physics
  • Interface of Cosmology with Particle Physics
  • Beyond the Standard Model
Connect with Stephen

Professor Stefano Moretti PhD, FilDrHC


Research interests

  • His research interests include: Standard Model (QCD and EW Interactions), Supersymmetry, Non-minimal Higgs Models, Higher Order Corrections and Monte Carlo Event Generators.
  • Prof Moretti’s scientific activity is in particle phenomenology, particularly in the area of collider physics. His contribution to particle physics is substantial as seen from more than 550 scientific papers/articles that he has published. (Please ignore the metrics provided by other databases these pages as they are completely wrong for my field of specialisation, always refer to iNSPIRE ones.)
  • Prof Moretti is also author of two textbooks, S. Khalil and S. Moretti, `Supersymmetry Beyond Minimality: from Theory to Experiment' and 'SM Phenomenology', both with CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.  (Plus two more are in the pipeline.)
Connect with Stefano

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

P.A. Boyle, N.H. Christ, N. Garron, E.J. Goode, T. Janowski, C. Lehner, Q. Liu, A. T. Lytle, C.T. Sachrajda, A. Soni & D. Zhang, 2013, Physical Review Letters, 110(15), 152001-152006
Type: article