Project overview

As an amendment to the 'Feasibility Study for City-Wide Testing using Saliva Based LAMP testing'


Lead researcher

Professor Kath Woods-Townsend

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise

Research interests

  • Adolescent Health
  • Scientific Literacy
  • Health Literacy
Connect with Kath
Other researchers

Mrs Lisa Bagust

Senior Enterprise Fellow

Research interests

  • Science and health education
  • Adolescent health and wellbeing
  • Health literacy
Connect with Lisa

Dr Andri Christodoulou

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Argumentation within scientific and socio-scientific contexts
  • Dialogic teaching
  • Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning
Connect with Andri

Emeritus Professor Marcus Grace

Professor of Science Education

Research interests

  • The science and values underpinning education for biodiversity, sustainable development and citizenship
  • Adolescent decision-making, and teaching and learning about socio-scientific issues
  • Outdoor science education
Connect with Marcus

Miss Donna Lovelock

Senior Enterprise Fellow

Research interests

  • Adolescent Health
  • Health Literacy
  • Behaviour Change
Connect with Donna

Professor Jo Slater-Jefferies PhD, MBA, CMgr, MCMI

CEO-National Biofilms Innovation Centre
Connect with Jo

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs