Research Group

Characterisation and Analytics

The Characterisation and Analytics research group specialises in research-led analytical problem-solving by using the latest instruments to examine and analyse chemical data.

Part of Chemistry


Our research focuses on using methods to identify, isolate or quantify chemicals and materials. We also investigate what characterises their physical properties.

Using the latest instruments and facilities, which are available to researchers across the University, we examine both organic and inorganic chemicals.

Our techniques include:

  • powder and materials X-ray diffraction
  • nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
  • mass spectrometry and chromatography-mass spectrometry

People, projects and publications


Dr Aileen Day

Senior Research Fellow DataEngineer PSDI

Research interests

  • Research in the physical sciences;
  • Computer modelling, programming, databases
Connect with Aileen

Dr Daniel Rainer

Specialist Technician

Research interests

  • 3DED (3D electron difraction) 
  • Electron microscopy
  • Structural characterisation, especially of porous materials such as zeolites, MOFs, ...
Connect with Daniel

Dr Graham Tizzard

Operations Manager, Nat Crystallography
Connect with Graham

Professor John Langley

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise

Research interests

  • The application of separation science and mass spectrometry as a routine tool for chemistry/chemical biology/oilfield chemistry;
  • Probing new areas for research using these tools;
  • The application of hyphenated approaches (GC-MS, GCxGC-MS, HPLC-MS & SFC-MS).
Connect with John

Dr Julie Herniman

Senior Experimental Officer

Research interests

  • chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • high resolution mass spectrometry
Connect with Julie

Dr Mark Light

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Single crystal X-ray diffraction
  • Powder and materials X-ray diffraction
  • Total scattering and pair distribution function analysis

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Mark

Dr Neil Wells

Sen Exp Officer in NMR Spectroscopy

Research interests

  • Applied NMR Spectroscopy
  • Structural elucidation by NMR Spectroscopy
Connect with Neil

Dr Nicola Knight

Connect with Nicola

Dr Raymond Whorley

Research Software Engineer (PSDI)
Connect with Raymond
The ability to elucidate complex atomic-scale structures through their interactions with X-rays is truly incredible.
Associate Professor