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Mr David Smith

Part Time Lecturer
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Mr David Tatnell

Teaching Fellow Graphic Arts
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Professor David Thomas

Professor in Computer Engineering

Research interests

  • Event-driven Computing
  • FPGAs
  • Digital Architectures

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor David Thompson MA PhD CEng FIMechE FIOA FHEA

Professor of Railway Noise and Vibration

Research interests

  • Low noise design in railways
  • Ground vibration and ground-borne noise
  • Aerodynamic noise from high-speed trains

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor David Thomson

Professorial Fellow-Research
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Dr David Toal

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Design optimisation & automation
  • Machine learning & deep learning
  • Computer aided design
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Dr David Tumbarello

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences

Research interests

  • Membrane Trafficking
  • Autophagy
  • Mitochondrial Quality Control

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr David Turton

Principal Research Fellow

Research interests

  • String theory
  • Black holes
  • Holography

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor David Wheatley

Professor in Archaeology

Research interests

  • The development of Archaeological method, particularly the use of digital and computational methods including GIS, spatial technologies, digital photography, image processing and 3D methods
  • The later prehistory of Southern Britain and southern Iberia
  • Later prehistoric Rock Art, notably the so-called ‘warrior stelae’ of the southwestern Iberian late Bronze Age
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