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Professor Alan J Murphy

Professor in Maritime Engineering

Research interests

  • Decarbonising shipping
  • Emission reduction from ships
  • Energy efficiency for maritime systems and ship propulsion

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Alan McAlpine


Research interests

  • Aeroacoustics
  • Aircraft engine noise
  • Aircraft engine installation acoustics

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Alan Wong

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • the development of people-friendly, sustainable and liveable cities, that inter-link urban with transportation planning;
  • improving the de-carbonisation of road transport, with the associated improvements on air quality;
  • encouraging more sustainable modes of travel, including walking, cycling and taking public transport, with the health benefits these can also bring;
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Professor Alec Wilson

Professor Computational Aeroacoustics

Research interests

  • As Director of the Rolls-Royce UTC in Propulsion Systems Noise Alec develops, leads and participates in a range of European and UK collaborative research programmes in the field of aeroplane noise, with particular emphasis on aeroengine noise sources and sound propagation.
  • While at Rolls-Royce Alec played a pioneering role in the application of aerodynamic CFD codes to predict turbomachinery tone noise generated by real engineering geometries, and Alec’s own research at the University of Southampton still centres on the development and application of analytic and numerical modelling techniques to real-world engineering issues and opportunities.
  • An example of Alec’s current research is the development of a new prediction method based on eigen analysis.  Eigen analysis has been used for many years to provide a fast, computationally efficient method for predicting noise propagation in ducts, but the methods used have been limited to simplified geometries and mean flow which has limited their usefulness in practice.  The new method being developed retains the computational efficiency of previous methods, but can be applied to any smoothly varying mean flow and duct geometry.  The initial target of the research is to provide a method to predict acoustic propagation through a three-dimensional aeroengine intake at a computational cost that permits multiple calculations during the design optimisation process.

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Alex Dickinson


Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Alexander Wittig

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Astrodynamics and Orbital Mechanics
  • Mission Design and Analysis
  • Numerical Methods including Differential Algebra and High Order Automatic Differentiation
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Professor Ali Elham

Professor of Design Optimisation

Research interests

  • Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation; 
  • Topology Optimisation;
  • Aircraft Design;

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Ali Mosayyebi

Senior Research Fellow
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Dr Amir Hossein Modarres Aval

Research fellow in M-D Analysis and Optm
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Dr Anatoliy Vorobev

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