Emeritus Professor Brendan Bradley

 MA (Cantab), Msc, PhD

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128 publications
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Allison M. Waters, Karin Mogg & Brendan P. Bradley, 2012, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50(6), 428-434
Type: article
M.L. Reinholdt-Dunne, K. Mogg, B.H. Esbjorn & B.P. Bradley, 2012, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Type: article
Frances A. Maratos, Carl Senior, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley & Gina Rippon, 2011, Cognitive Neuroscience
Type: article
J Werthmann, A Roefs, C Nederkoorn, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley & A Jansen, 2011, Health Psychology, 30(5), 561-569
Type: article
J.R. Swartz, S.A. Graham-Bermann, Karin Mogg, B.P. Bradley & C.S. Monk, 2011, Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 4(2), 109-122
Type: article
Ruihua Hou, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley, Rona Moss-Morris, Robert Peveler & Anne Roefs, 2011, Appetite, 56(2), 424-427
Type: article
Ruihua Hou, Rona Moss-Morris, Robert Peveler, Antonio Belli, Brendan P. Bradley & Karin Mogg, 2011
Type: conference
Michael Barkham, Gillian E. Hardy, Karin Mogg, Brendan Bradley, Stephen Morley, Chris R. Brewin, Ray Hodgson & David A. Shapiro, 2011, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50(1), 1-6
Type: article
Julie Maslowsky, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley, Erin McClure-Tone, Monique Ernst, Daniel S. Pine & Christopher S. Monk, 2010, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 20(2), 105-111
Type: article
Kara Lindstrom, Donald J. Mandell, George J. Musa, Jennifer C. Britton, Lindsey S. Sankin, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley, Monique Ernst, Thao Doan, Yair Bar-Haim, Ellen Leibenluft, Daniel S. Pine & Christina W. Hoven, 2010, Psychiatry Research
Type: article