How decisions are made: the University structure

Discover who sets our strategic direction and who leads us and manages our staff.

Making the big decisions: the Council

The Council is the University's highest authority. Council members include staff, independent citizens and 2 members of the SUSU (Southampton University Students Union).

Its responsibilities include:

  • agreeing our future plans, goals and spending
  • checking how well we're performing
  • deciding how we're run

The Council gives committees the power to make some decisions. 

These delegated decisions include going ahead with new campus developments and setting up new businesses. The Senate decides on launching or ending degrees, or any complaints.

Making decisions every day: the President and Vice-Chancellor

The President and Vice-Chancellor has overall responsibility for the day-to-day management of the University and staff. They're also our president, and are responsible for meeting the goals Council agrees.

Our Executive Board advises the Vice-Chancellor on developing and implementing strategy, operational plans, policies, procedures, and budgets.

The senior leadership team also includes: 

  • Vice-Presidents who lead departments covering areas like education and research
  • Executive directors, who manage professional services teams
  • Deans, who run our academic faculties

All our leaders and staff work to rules set out in our Charter and ordinances.