Donna Lovelock is a LifeLab Teaching Fellow within Southampton Education School at the University of Southampton.
Research groups
Research interests
- Adolescent Health
- Health Literacy
- Behaviour Change
- Prevention of non-communicable diseases
Current research
The main research project for LifeLab has a core focus on science literacy for health literacy in relation to lifestyle-related non communicable diseases (NCDs).
LifeLab Southampton is an innovative educational intervention which shows adolescents first-hand how their diets and lifestyles lay the foundations for a healthy life, and how their own health is linked to the health of children they may themselves have in the future. Building on BRC-funded research into lifelong effects of the early life environment, it engages students with ongoing investigations in a University Hospital research institute. The context-specific learning experience and direct contact with researchers improves students' science and health literacy. LifeLab comprises modules of work involving curriculum-linked lessons in school before and after an activity day at LifeLab Southampton.
Research projects
Completed projects
Donna is a LifeLab teacher, teaching students aged 11-16 years, including practical group work and demonstrations.
Donna has 7 years’ experience teaching secondary science in Hampshire schools. During this time she has held a Second in Science KS3 Co-ordinator post. She has experienced several OFSTED inspections and has completed a Middle Leaders project researching the impact of rigorous assessment on pupil progress.
She completed both her undergraduate degree and PGCE at the University of Southampton and now works as a Teaching Fellow at LifeLab. This links perfectly with her passion for health, sport and outdoor learning.
- Vice Chancellors Award - Public Good (2021)
- Hygeia Centre for Excellence (2019)