Who makes key decisions for the Council (scheme of delegation)

The University's highest authority, the Council, delegates some decisions to senior leaders or committees. Every year, our scheme of delegation sets out the main decisions leaders and committees make in the Council's name. 

This includes decisions over new courses, campus development, fees and senior pay.

Find out who makes decisions over different issues, who oversees them, and who are the points of contact for each.  

Deputy Vice-President (Operations).

  • The Education and Student Experience Committee considers welfare services policy and regulations.
  • The Planning and Resources Group decides our recruitment plan. They're overseen by the Vice-Chancellor and advised by the Student Recruitment and Management group. The point of contact's Student Life.
  • The Student Discipline Committee makes decisions on student discipline, overseen by the Senate.

Decisions over financial matters

Fees and student payments

The Finance Committee, overseen by the Council:

  • approves finance policies
  • approves or alters non-regulated tuition fees
  • writes off non-student bad debt between £50,000 and £250,000

The Finance Committee also makes decisions on deferring student payments or making payments in instalments.

The point of contact for all these finance decisions is the Finance, Planning and Analytics department.

The Student Recruitment Management Group provides information to inform fee setting. The Planning and Resource Group then approves this, before the Finance Committee considers it.


The Manager of Student Fees and Credit Control writes off bad debt related to tuition fees up to £3,000, overseen by the Council.

The Executive Director Finance and Planning, or Director of Finance (Operations) writes off 
tuition fee and non-student bad debt up to £50,000, overseen by the Council.

The Treasurer writes off tuition fee bad debt above £50,000, overseen by the Council.

The point of contact for any bad debt decisions is the Finance, Planning and Analytics department.


The Executive Director of Finance and Planning procures goods and services, overseen by the Council and following the financial policies and regulations the Council sets. 

The point of contact's the Head of Procurement.

Other finance decisions

The Executive Director of Finance and Planning is responsible for keeping proper accounting records, overseen by the Council.

The Audit and Risk Committee engages external auditors for non-audit services. 

The point of contact for these 2 types of finance decisions is the Finance, Planning and Analytics department.

Accepting gifts

  • The Director of Development and Alumni Relations considers whether to accept gifts up to £99,999, overseen by the Council. They must report to the Finance Committee each year on all gifts of £10,000 or more.
  • The Gift Acceptance and Naming Committee decides whether to accept gifts between £100,000 and £999,999, overseen by the Council.
  • The Finance Committee decides whether to accept gifts between £1m and £9.9m.

The point of contact on accepting gifts is the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.

Decisions over staffing matters

Senior appointments and titles

The Vice-Chancellor appoints vice-presidents and deans of faculties, overseen by the Council and collaborating with a search committee that's set up as needed. The contact's the Human Resources Talent and Resourcing team.

The Vice-Chancellor also awards titles of emeritus professor or fellow, honorary professor, professor, associate professor or lecturer, overseen by the Council. The point of contact's the Rewards and Recognition team.

Senior pay

The Remuneration Committee, overseen by the Council:

  • approves the framework for senior remuneration
  • determines salaries and performance related pay for the Vice-Chancellor and senior staff
  • approves severance arrangements for senior post holders, named officer holders and any other employee paid a basic salary of £100,000 or more a year

The point of contact is Human Resources or, in the case of salary determinations, the clerk to the Remuneration Committee.


The Finance Committee approves pension arrangements for all employees, overseen by the Council. The point of contact's the Pension Committee.

Decisions over development and estates

Capital projects

The point of contact is the Executive Director of Finance and planning, unless it's over equity spinout disposals, when it's the Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Board.

The Finance committee, overseen by the Council:

  • approves programmes and business cases between £1m and £5m or variations of 10% outside approved budgets for £25m+ projects
  • amends capital project budgets up to £5m or by up to 10% for £25m+ projects
  • decides on buying or selling land or leases between £5m and £25m
  • sells equity spinouts of £5m or more

The Vice-Chancellor, overseen by the Council:

  • amends capital projects up to £1m
  • buys or sells land or leases up to £5m

The EPB and/or the ITSPB, Executive Director, Finance and Planning, and Legal advises the Vice-Chancellor.

Naming buildings

The point of contact for naming building linked with gifts is the Office of Development and Alumni.

The Director of Development and Alumni Relations decides any naming of buildings linked with gifts between £10,000 and £100,000, overseen by the Council.

The Gift Acceptance and Naming Committee decides any naming of buildings linked with gifts of between £100,000 and £9.9m, overseen by the Council and with Finance Committee approval.

Decisions over research and enterprise

  • The University Research Ethics Committee, overseen by the Senate, makes decisions on requests for research ethical approval. The point of contact's the Vice-President (Research and enterprise).
  • The Research Integrity and Governance Committee, overseen by the Senate, makes decisions over research integrity and research misconduct. The point of contact's the Vice-President (Research and enterprise).
  • The Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Board, overseen by the Vice-Chancellor with the Executive Board's advice, decides on licensing and disposal of intellectual property. The point of contact's Research and Innovation Services and the Finance Committee must be informed of transactions over £5m.

Decisions over international collaborations and campuses

The Vice-President (Research and Enterprise), approves international collaborations for research and enterprise, consulting with the Vice-Chancellor. The point of contact's Research and Innovation Services.

The Vice-Chancellor monitors the performance of international campuses. The point of contact's the Vice-President (International and Engagement).

Decisions over how we're managed and led

The Council delegates full authority to the Vice-Chancellor to act on its behalf in all matters relating to the organisation, direction, management and well-being of the University and the leadership of its staff, subject to principles set out. 

In carrying out their responsibilities, the Vice-Chancellor will consult, where necessary, with the officers, members of Council and senior colleagues, particularly in novel or potentially contentious matters.