Solutions to Exercises

Chapter 1

Exercise 1.7.

Solution. This is covered in one of the Worksheets.

Exercise 1.8.

Solution. Recall that the truth table for \(P\Leftrightarrow Q\) is given by \[ \begin{array}{c|c|c} P&Q&P\Leftrightarrow Q\\\hline T&T&T\\ T&F&F\\ F&T&F\\ F&F&T \end{array} \] If \(P\equiv Q\) then \(P\) and \(Q\) are either both TRUE or both FALSE. We see then that \(P\Leftrightarrow Q\) is TRUE and hence a tautology.

Conversely, if \(P\Leftrightarrow Q\) is a tautology, then \(P\) and \(Q\) are either both TRUE or both FALSE and so \(P\equiv Q\).

Exercise 1.19.

Solution. \[ 1 + 3 + \ldots + (2n-1) = n^2. \] We use induction on \(n\). For \(n=1\) the results is trivially true as \(1 = 1^2\). Suppose then that it is true for some value \(n\ge 1\) and consider \[ 1 + 3 + \ldots + (2n-1) + (2n+1). \] By our inductive assumption we know that \(1 + 3 + \ldots + (2n-1) = n^2\) and so \[ 1 + 3 + \ldots + (2n-1) + (2n+1) = n^2 + 2n + 1 = (n+1)^2, \] and so the result follows by induction for all \(n\ge1\).

Exercise 1.20.

Solution. Let \(a\in\mathbb Z\). \[ (1+a)^n \ge 1+na \] We use induction on \(n\). For \(n=1\), \((1+a)^n = 1+a = 1+na\) and so the result is trivially true. Suppose now that the result is true for some \(n\ge1\) and consider \[ (1+a)^{n+1} = (1+a)^n(1+a). \] By the inductive hypothesis, \((1+a)^n\ge 1+na\) and so \[ (1+a)^{n+1} = (1+a)^n(1+a)\ge (1+an)(1+a) = 1+a+an+a^2n\ge 1 + a(n+1), \] and the result is true for all \(n\ge1\) by induction.

Chapter 2

Exercise 2.11

Solution. Let \(a,b\in\mathbb Z\) with \(b\ne0\). By the corollary to the Remainder Theorem, Corollary 2.10, there exists a unique pair of integers \(q,r\) with \[ a = qb + r\text{ and } 0\le r<|b|. \] If \(r\) is such that \(r \le |b|/2\) then we can use these values. Otherwise it must be that \(|b|/2 < r < |b|\). In this case, notice that if \(b>0\) then \[ a = (q+1)b + (r-b) \] and that \(-|b|/2 < r-b < 0\le |b|/2\), while if \(b<0\) then \[ a = (q-1)b + (r+b) \] and \(-|b|/2 =|b|/2-|b| = |b|/2+b< r+b<|b+b = 0\le|b|/2\). So in either case, there exists \(q,r\) such that \[ a = qb + r, -|b|/2< r\le |b|/2. \] Suppose there exists \(q',r'\) such that \[ a = q'b + r', -|b|/2< r'\le |b|/2. \] Then \(qb+r = q'b+r'\) and so \((q-q')b = r'-r\) and \(-|b|<r'-r<|b|\). It then follows that \(r'-r = 0\) and so \(r'=r\), from which we deduce that \(q'=q\) as required.

Exercise 2.15

Solution. Proceeding as in Euclid’s algorithm but using Exercise 2.11 in place of the Remainder Theorem we get \[ \begin{array}{rclcr} a&=&q_1b+r_1&&-|b|/2< r_1\le |b|/2\\ b&=&q_2r_1+r_2&&-|r_1|/2< r_2\le |r_1|/2\\ r_1&=&q_3r_2+r_3&&-|r_2|/2< r_3\le |r_2|/2\\ &\ldots&\\ r_{i-1}&=&q_{i+1}r_i+r_{i+1}&&-|r_i|/2< r_{i+1}\le|r_i|/2\\ &\ldots&\\ r_{n-1}&=&q_{n+1}r_{n}+r_{n+1}&\qquad&-|r_n|/2< r_{n+1}\le|r_n|/2\\ r_n&=&q_{n+2}r_{n+1}+0.\\ \end{array} \] The proof that the algorithm halts and that \(r_{n+1} = \gcd(a,b)\) is similar to that for Euclid’s algorithm.

Exercise 2.20

Solution. We use induction on \(k\). For \(k=2\) the result is obvious. Suppose then that it is true for some \(k\ge2\) and consider \(\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_k, a_{k+1})\). Using the inductive hypothesis we see that

\[ \begin{array}{rl} \gcd(\ldots\gcd(\gcd(a_1,a_2), a_3), \ldots, a_{k+1}) &= \gcd(\gcd(\ldots\gcd(\gcd(a_1,a_2), a_3), \ldots, a_k),a_{k+1})\\ &= \gcd(\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_k),a_{k+1}).\\ \end{array} \] Suppose then that \(c|\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_k)\) and \(c|a_{k+1}\). Then \(c|a_i\) for \(1\le i\le k+1\). Conversely, if \(c|a_1,\ldots,a_{k+1}\) then \(c|\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_k)\) and \(c|a_{k+1}\). Therefore \(\{a_1,\ldots,a_k\}\) and \(\{\gcd(a_1,\ldots,a_k),a_{k+1}\}\) share common divisors and so have the same greatest common divisor.

Chapter 3

Exercise 3.5

Solution. \[\begin{gather*} 115 = 5\times23,\\188 = 2\times94 = 2^2\times47,\\ 2020 = 2\times1010 = 2^2\times505 = 2^2\times5\times101 \end{gather*}\]

Exercise 3.8

Solution. Notice that for \(n\ge3, s_n>1\) and so by Theorem 3.3, \(s_n\) has a prime divisor, \(p\), say. If \(p\le n\) then \(p|n!\) and so \(p|(n!-s_n)\) which is a contradiction. Hence \(p>n\) and so there are arbitrarily large primes.

Chapter 4

Exercise 4.3

Solution. The last decimal digit is found by finding the remainder on division by 10. Let \(n = a^2\) and use the Remainder theorem with \(a\) and \(10\) so that \[ a = 10q + r\text{ with }0\le r< 10. \] Then \(n = a^2 = (10q+r)^2 = 100q^2 + 20qr + r^2\). But for \(0\le r\le 9\) we have \(r^2\in\{0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81\}\) and so the final digit can be either \(0,1,4,5,6\) or \(9\).

From above, if a perfect square has a final digit of \(1\) then either \(r=1\) or \(r=9\). Notice then that \((n-1)/10\) is even whereas \((3190491-1)/10 = 319049\) is odd and so \(3190491\) cannot be a perfect square.

Exercise 4.5

Solution. Since \((392-1) = 391 = 23\times17\) then \(392\equiv1\text{ mod }(23)\).

Exercise 4.12

Solution. Axiom [A1] is obviously true by Lemma 4.11.

For axiom [A2], \([m]+[0] = [m+0] = [m] = [0+m] = [0]+[m]\) and \([m][1] = [m\times1] = [m] = [1\times m] = [1][m]\).

Since \([m] - [m] = [m-m] = [0]\) axiom [A3] holds.

For axiom [A4], \([m] = [n] = [m+n] = [n+m] = [n] + [m]\) and \([m][n] = [mn] = [nm] = [n][m]\).

Similarly, \(([m]+[n])+[p] = [m+n] = [p] = [(m+n)+p] = [m+(n+p)] = [m] + ([n]+[p])\) and \(([m][n])[p] = [(mn)p] = [m(np)] = [m]([n][p])\) and so axiom [A5] also holds.

For axiom [A6], m = [m][n+p] = [m(n+p)] = [mn+mp] = [mn]+[mp] = [m][n] + [m][p]$.

However, axiom [A7] may not hold. Forexample, if \(n=6\) then \([2][3] = [6] = [0]\) but \([2]\ne[0]\) and \([3]\ne[0]\).

Exercise 4.16


  1. Working \(\text{ mod }(23)\) we see that \(31(33+35)\equiv 8(10+12)\equiv 8\times22\equiv8\times-1\equiv-8\).
  2. Working \(\text{ mod }(29)\) we have \(31^{33}\equiv2^{33}=(2^5)^62^3\equiv3^6\times8\equiv(3^3)^2\times8\equiv(-2)^2\times8\equiv32\equiv3\).
  3. Working \(\text{ mod }10\) we see that \(m!\equiv0\) for \(m\ge5\) and so we need only consider 4 values of \(n\), namely \(n=1,2,3\) and \(4\). We then have \(1!=1, 1!+2! = 3, 1!+2!+3! = 9, 1!+2!+3!+4! = 33\). Hence the final decimal digit can only be either \(1,3\) or \(9\).

Exercise 4.22


  • Let \(f(x) = x^2-x+1\). Working \(\text{ mod }(2)\) we have that \(f(0)\equiv1, f(1)\equiv1\) and so the plynomial has no integer roots.
  • Let \(f(x) = x^3+x^2-x+1\). Working \(\text{ mod }(3)\) we have \(f(0)\equiv1, f(1)\equiv2, f(-1)\equiv2\) and so the polynomial has no integer roots.
  • Let \(f(x)=x^3+x^2-x+3\). Working \(\text{ mod }(5)\) we see that \(f(0)\equiv3, f(1)\equiv4, f(2)\equiv3, f(-2)\equiv1, f(-1)\equiv4\) and so the polynomial has no integer roots.

Exercise 4.24

Solution. Suppose that \(f(x)\) is prime for all integers \(x\), and is not constant. If we choose any integer \(a\), then \(f(a)\) is a prime \(p\). For each \(b\equiv a\) \(\text{mod}~(p)\), Lemma 4.20 implies that \(f(b)\equiv f(a)\) \(\text{mod}~(p)\), so \(f(b)\equiv 0\) \(\text{mod}~(p)\) and hence \(p\) divides \(f(b)\). By our hypothesis, \(f(b)\) is prime, so \(f(b)=p\). There are infinitely many integers \(b\equiv a\) \(\text{mod}~(p)\), so the polynomial \(g(x)=f(x)-p\) has infinitely many roots. However, this is impossible: having degree \(d\geq 1\), \(g(x)\) can have at most \(d\) roots, so such a polynomial \(f(x)\) cannot exist.

Exercise 4.28

Solution. Working \(\text{ mod }(15)\) we have \(12x\equiv9\text{ mod }(15)\) becomes \(-3x\equiv9\text{ mod }(15)\) and so \(-x\equiv3\text{ mod }5\). hence \(x\equiv-3\equiv2\text{ mod }5\).

Exercise 4.32

Solution. Notice that \(4\times2\equiv4\times0\text{ mod }8\) but \(2\not\equiv0\text{ mod }8\).

Exercise 4.38

Solution. Let \(x = 3 + 5t\) for \(t\in\mathbb Z\). Then \(3+5t\equiv1\text{ mod }4\) and so \(t\equiv-2\equiv2\text{ mod }4\). Hence \(t = 2 + 4s\) for \(s\in\mathbb Z\) and so \(x = 3+5(2+4s) = 13+20s\). Now \(13+20s\equiv 2\text{ mod }3\) and so \(-s\equiv1\text{ mod }3\). Hence \(s = 2 + 3r\) for \(r\in\mathbb Z\) and so \(x= 13+20(2+3r) = 53+60r\).

Exercise 4.39

Solution. Let \(x=7+9t\) for \(t\in\mathbb Z\). Then \(7+9t\equiv2\text{ mod }7\) and so \(2t\equiv2\text{ mod }7\) or \(t\equiv1\text{ mod }7\). Hence \(t=1+7s\) for \(s\in\mathbb Z\) and so \(x=7+9(1+7s) = 16+63s\). Now \(16+63s\equiv4\text{ mod }4\) and so \(-s\equiv0\text{ mod }4\). Hence \(s = 4r\) for \(r\in\mathbb Z\) and so \(x = 16+63(4r) = 16+252r\).

Exercise 4.41

Solution. We first solve the three given congruences (using our 4-point algorithm) to \(x\equiv2\text{ mod }4\), \(x\equiv6\text{ mod }7\) and \(x\equiv2\text{ mod }5\).

Now let \(x=6+7t\) for \(t\in\mathbb Z\) so that \(6+7t\equiv2\text{ mod }5\). Hence \(2t\equiv1\text{ mod }5\) which means \(t\equiv3\text{ mod }5\) or \(t=3+5s\), for \(s\in\mathbb Z\), and so \(x = 6+7(3+5s) = 27+35s\). Hence \(27+35s\equiv2\text{ mod }4\) and so \(-s\equiv3\text{ mod }4\) or \(s\equiv1\text{ mod }4\). Therefore \(s = 1 + 4r\) and hence \(x = 27+35(1+4r) = 62+140r\).

Exercise 4.43

Solution. Since \(440 = 2^3\times 5\times 11\) we can replace the single congruence with the three congruences \[ 91x\equiv 419\text{ mod }8, 91x\equiv 419\text{ mod }5, 91x\equiv 419\text{ mod }11. \] These simplify to \[ 3x\equiv3\text{ mod }8, x\equiv4\text{ mod }5, 3x\equiv 1\text{ mod }11. \] Solving these individually gives \[ x\equiv1\text{ mod }8, x\equiv4\text{ mod }5, x\equiv4\text{ mod }11. \] Let \(x=4+11t\) for \(t\in\mathbb Z\) so that \(4+11t\equiv1\text{ mod }8\). Then \(3t\equiv-3\text{ mod }8\) and hence \(t\equiv-1\equiv7\text{ mod }8\). Therefore \(t = 7+8s\) and \(x=4+11(7+8s) = 81+88s\). Now \(81+88s\equiv4\text{ mod }5\) and so \(3s\equiv3\text{ mod }5\) or \(s\equiv1\text{ mod }5\). Hence \(s = 1+5r\) for \(r\in\mathbb Z\) and so \(x=81+88(1+5r) = 169+440r\).

Chapter 5

Exercise 5.2

Solution. Taking primes \(p=2,3,5,7,11,13,17\) and looking at each residue class we see that there are roots as follows: \[ \begin{array}{r|l} p&\text{roots}\\\hline 2&1\\ 3&\\ 5&2\text{ and }3\\ 7&\\ 11&\\ 13&5\text{ and }8\\ 17&4\text{ and }13\\ \end{array} \]

Exercise 5.8

Solution. Since \(23\) is prime and since \(\text{gcd}(3,23)=1\), we see by Fermat’s Little theorem that \(3^{22}\equiv1\text{ mod }23\). Hence \(3^{91} = (3^{22})^43^3\equiv1^43^3=27\equiv4\text{ mod }(23)\)

Exercise 5.11

Solution. First of all notice that by Euclid’s theorem \[ \gcd(29!+29,30!+29) = \gcd(29!+29,30!+29-(29!+29)) = \gcd(29!+29,30!-29!). \] Notice now that \(29|(29!+29)\) and \(29|(30!-29!)\) and so \(\gcd(29!+29,30!-29!) = 29\gcd(28!+1,29!)\) using Corollary 2.24. By Wilson’s theorem \(28!+1\equiv0\text{ mod }29\) and so \(29|28!+1\). Hence \(\gcd(29!+29,30!+29) = 29^2\gcd((28!+1)/29,28!)\). Now if \((28!+1)/29\) and \(28!\) have a common divisor greater than 1 then they have a common prime divisor \(p\) and clearly \(p\le 23\). Consequently \(p|(28!+1)\) and so \(28!+1\equiv0\text{ mod }p\). But this is a contradiction as \(28!\equiv0\text{ mod }p\). Hence we deduce that \(\gcd((28!+1)/29,28!)=1\) and so \(\gcd(29!+29,30!+29) = 29^2\).

Chapter 6

Exercise 6.13

Solution. First of all, colour the entries that are coprime to \(5\), red. \[ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \strut{\color{red}1}&{\color{red}2}&{\color{red}3}&{\color{red}4}&5\cr \hline \strut {\color{red}6}&{\color{red}7}&{\color{red}8}&{\color{red}9}&10\cr \hline \strut {\color{red}{11}}&{\color{red}{12}}&{\color{red}{13}}&{\color{red}{14}}&15\cr \hline \strut {\color{red}{16}}&{\color{red}{17}}&{\color{red}{18}}&{\color{red}{19}}&20\cr \hline \end{array} \] There are \(4\) columns coloured red, and so \(\phi(5)=4\). Now, for those entries already coloured red, re-colour the entries that are coprime to \(4\), blue. \[ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \strut{\color{blue}1}&{\color{red}2}&{\color{blue}3}&{\color{red}4}&5\cr \hline \strut {\color{red}6}&{\color{blue}7}&{\color{red}8}&{\color{blue}9}&10\cr \hline \strut {\color{blue}{11}}&{\color{red}{12}}&{\color{blue}{13}}&{\color{red}{14}}&15\cr \hline \strut {\color{red}{16}}&{\color{blue}{17}}&{\color{red}{18}}&{\color{blue}{19}}&20\cr \hline \end{array} \] There are \(2\) blue entries in each column and so \(\phi(4)=2\). There are 8 entries that are coprime to both \(5\) and \(4\) and so \(\phi(20)=8\).

Exercise 6.16

Solution. \[ \phi(42) = 42(1-\frac12)(1-\frac13)(1-\frac17) = 12 \] The twelve residues are \(1,5,11,13,17,19,23,25,29,31,37,41\).

Exercise 6.17

Solution. Since \(\phi(n) = n\prod_{p|n}(1-1/p)\) then if \(n\) has an odd prime factor \(p\), \(\phi(n)\) is a multiple of \(p-1\) and so is even. Consequently, either \(n=1\), in which case \(\phi(n)=1\), or \(n = 2^m\), in which case \(\phi(2^m) = 2^{m-1}\) and so for this to be odd, we require \(m=1\).

Since \(\phi(p) = p-1\) when \(p\) is a prime, then \(\phi(3)=2, \phi(5)=4, \phi(7)=6, \phi(11)=10, \phi(13)=12\). Now \(8=2^3\) and so from the above argument, \(\phi(2^4) = 8\).

Suppose then that \(\phi(n) = 14 = 2\times7\). Then \(n = 2^{n_1}3^{n_2}5^{n_3}7^{n_4}\) for suitable non-negative integers \(n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4\). Since \(7|\phi(n)\) then \(7|n\) and we see that \(n_4 = 2\). However the \(1-\frac17\) term then includes a factor of \(6=2\times3\) and there is no way to cancel the \(3\) using the remaining prime factors. This is then a contradiction.

Exercise 6.18

Solution. Suppose that \(p^e|n\). Then \(p^{e-1}(p-1)|\phi(n)\) and so \(p^{e-1}(p-1)\le \phi(n)=m\). Therefore \(p^e\le pm/(p-1)\le 2m\). But for a fixed positive integer \(m\) there are only finitely many prime powers \(p^e\) that divide 4m$. Hence there are only finitely many possible values of \(n\).

Exercise 6.19

Solution. Since \(\phi(n)/n = \prod_{p|n}(1-1/p)\) and since \((1-1/2)(1-1/3)(1-1/5) = 4/15>1/4\), we require at least 4 distinct prime factors in the factorisation of \(n\). The smallest 4 that work (trial and error) is \(2\times3\times5\times7\) which gives \(\phi(n)/n = 8/35\) and so the smallest value of \(n\) with this property is \(n=2\times3\times5\times7=210\).

Exercise 6.21

Solution. To find the lastthree decimal digits we work \(\text{ mod }1000\). Now \(\phi(1000) = 1000(1-1/2)(1-1/5) = 400\). Euler’s Theorem then tell us that \(a^{400}\equiv 1\text{ mod }1000\) and so \(a^{2001} = \left(a^{400}\right)^5a\equiv a\text{ mod }1000\), as required.

Chapter 7

Exercise 7.1

Solution. Using the standard encoding ‘A’=\(0\), ‘B’ = \(1\), etc, we see that ‘G’ = \(6\), ‘A’ = \(0\), ‘U’= \(20\), ‘S’ = \(18\). Then the affine shift sets \(6\mapsto 19 =\) ‘T’, \(0\mapsto 3=\) ‘D’, \(20\mapsto 13 =\) ‘N’, \(18\mapsto 25 =\) ‘Z’. So ‘GAUSS’ becomes ‘TDNZZ’.

Using the Euclidean Algorithm, or otherwise, we deduce that \(7\times15\equiv1\text{ mod }26\) and so the inverse shift is given by \(x\mapsto 15(x-3) = 15x + 7\text{ mod }26\). Using the same mechanism as above we then see that ‘MFSJDG’ decodes as ‘FERMAT’.

Exercise 7.3

Solution. \(9\mapsto 9^5 \equiv 9\times81^2\equiv9\times(-6)^2\equiv9\times7\equiv63\equiv5\text{ mod }29\).

\(11\mapsto 11^{17}\equiv 11\times121^8\equiv11\times5^8\equiv11\times(-4)^4\equiv11\times256\equiv24\equiv11\times-5\equiv3\text{ mod }29\).

Exercise 7.4

Solution. We try \(e=0,1,\ldots\) and in each case calculate \(10^e\text{ mod }29\) and find that \(10^{25}\equiv27\text{ mod }29\).

Exercise 7.6

Solution. Since \(n=10147 = 73\times139\) then \(\phi(n) = 72\times138 = 9936\). We need to solve the congruence \(119f\equiv1\text{ mod }9936\) to find the decoding transformation. Using the Euclidean Algorithm we have \[ \begin{array}{rcl} 9936&=&83\times119+59\\ 119&=&2\times59+1\\ 59&=&59*1+0.\\ \end{array} \] Now using Bezout’s Identity we see that \[ \begin{array}{rcl} 1&=&1\times119-2\times59\\ &=&1\times119-2\times(9936-83\times119)\\ &=&167\times119-2\times9936\\ \end{array} \]

We then have a decoding transformation of \(x\mapsto x^{167}\text{ mod }10147\).