Content Index

A least absolute residues
anchoring step least common multiple
axioms least non-negative residues
C linear combination
cardinality linear congruence
cardinals linear Diophantine equation
Chi-squared statistic logic table
Chi-squared test logical connectives
Chinese Remainder Theorem logical statement
common divisor logically equivalent
common factor M
common multiple model
complete set of residues modular arithmetic
composite modulus
conclusion multiplicative inverse
congruent mutually coprime
Conjunction N
contradiction natural numbers
contrapositive Negation
Contrapositive rule O
converse ordinals
coprime P
coprime partition
D predicates
De Morgan’s rule premise
Diffie-Helman Key Exchange protocol prime
Diffie-Helman-Merkle Key Exchange protocol Prime Number Theorem
direct proofs proof
discrete logarithm problem Proof by contradiction
Disjunction Proof by contrapositive
division algorithm Proof by Induction
divisor proposition
Double negation rule public-key cryptographic system
Equivalence reduced set of residues
equivalence classes reflexive
equivalence relation relatively prime
Euler’s function residue
existential quantifier S
F simple substitution ciphers
frequency analysis strong induction
G successor function
greatest common divisor symmetric
H symmetric
highest common factor T
highest common factor tautology
Hill Climbing The well ordering principle
I transitive
Implication transposition cipher
Implication rule trigrams
inductive step truth table
irreducible U
K unit
kernel universal quantifier
key space W
keyword weak induction