Content Index

A least absolute residues
anchoring step least common multiple
Associative rules least element
axioms least non-negative residues
B linear combination
base step linear congruence
C linear Diophantine equation
cardinality logic table
cardinals logical connectives
Chi-squared statistic logical statement
Chi-squared test logically equivalent
Chinese Remainder Theorem M
common divisor model
common factor modular arithmetic
common multiple modulus
Commutative rules multiplicative inverse
Complement rules mutually coprime
complete set of residues N
composite Negation
conclusion O
congruent ordinals
Conjunction P
contradiction partition
contrapositive positive
converse predicate
coprime premise
coprime prime
D Prime Number Theorem
De Morgan’s rules proof
decimal expansion Proof by Induction
Diffie-Helman Key Exchange protocol proposition
Diffie-Helman-Merkle Key Exchange protocol public-key cryptographic system
discrete logarithm problem R
Disjunction reduced set of residues
Distributive rules reflexive
division algorithm reflexive
divisor relatively prime
Double negation rule residue
E ring
equivalence S
equivalence classes simple substitution ciphers
equivalence relation strong induction
Euler’s function subset
existential quantifier substitution
F successor function
frequency analysis symmetric
G symmetric
greatest common divisor symmetric
highest common factor tautology
Hill Climbing transitive
I transitive
ideal transposition cipher
Idempotent rules trigrams
Identity rules truth table
implication U
induction hypothesis unit
inductive step universal quantifier
irreducible V
K variable
kernel W
key space well ordering principle
keyword well ordering principle