Research project

Watch Groups: Citizen-led Policing, Digital Surveillance & Vulnerable Groups

Project overview

Watch Groups are self-mobilised citizen-led groups who use digital platforms to perform policing functions in the face of perceived security shortfalls. These groups often target irregular migrants, ‘suspect’ young people or alleged paedophiles. The growth of Watch Groups carries potentially far-reaching and harmful consequences for those falling under their surveillant gaze, including risks of violence, vigilantism or othering. This project will synthesize theoretical frameworks, using a multi-methods approach to empirically examine Watch Groups and the implications of their actions. The study will fill an existing research gap in this area and inform policy and policing responses to this growing challenge.


Lead researcher

Dr Keith Spiller

Lecturer of Criminology

Research interests

  • Surveillance
  • Monitoring
  • Regulation
Connect with Keith

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Research outputs