Faculty for Environmental and Life Sciences


Professor Tamar Pincus 

Associate Dean (Education) 

Professor Sarah Stevenage 

Associate Dean (Research) 

Professor Steve Darby 

Associate Dean (Enterprise) 

Professor Phillip Warwick 

Associate Dean (International) 

Professor Sue Colley 

Associate Dean (Special Projects & Infrastructure) 

Professor Pete Langdon

Associate Dean (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion)

Dr Dawn-Marie Walker

Dr Julie Vullnetari

Associate Director of Faculty Operations 

William Edwards 

Head of Faculty Finance 

Anna Kerhoas 

School of Biological Sciences 

Head of School 

Professor Phil Williamson 

School of Geography and Environmental Science 

Head of School 

Professor Justin Sheffield 

School of Health Sciences 

Head of School 

Professor Jane Prichard

School of Ocean and Earth Science 

Head of School 

Professor Chris Hauton

School of Psychology 

Head of School

Professor Charles Leek