Student Discipline Committee 2024-25

Terms of reference and constitution

1. Purpose

  1. To oversee the implementation of the Student Discipline process.
  2. To determine if a matter falls out of scope of the Discipline Regulations or it is not in the interests of the University to investigate.
  3. To hear, in person or virtually, any representations from the Responding Student concerning proposed suspension whilst an investigation is undertaken.
  4. To consider such cases of Standard Misconduct and Serious Misconduct by students as may be referred to it by the Chair of the Student Discipline Committee.
  5. To hear appeals submitted following notification of the outcome of an investigation hearing.
  6. To report to the President and Vice-Chancellor and Senate any action taken following the outcome of an investigation hearing.
  7. To respond to national developments in student misconduct, particularly from the Office for Students, and for developing an evolving framework for decision making.
  8. To undertake an annual review of the Student Discipline Regulations, policy and supporting guidance.
  9. To provide an annual report to Senate on the work of the Student Discipline Committee

2. Reporting Arrangements

The Student Discipline Committee reports annually to Senate.

3. Constitution

  • Chair: A Vice-President or nominee must attend.
  • Four members of Senate:
    • two Deans (all Deans will become members of the committee for the purposes of conducting hearings and will be called on as required)
    • one Academic member
    • one Professional Services member
      (term of office to be 3 years in line with Senate term of office)
  • Four members of University staff, appointed by the Chair.
  • One student representative nominated by the President of the Students' Union must attend.

Secretary: An appropriate member of staff from the Office of Academic Registrar

4. Quorum and Frequency

4.1 Quorum

The Student Discipline Committee will be quorate with at least a Vice President (Chair), a student representative and another member of the student discipline committee.

Full hearings will be quorate with at least a Vice President (Chair), a Dean or their nominee, a student representative and another member of the student discipline committee.

Partial Hearings will be quorate with at least a Vice President (Chair) and another member of the Discipline Committee.

4.2 Frequency and Timing

Standing Committee to meet at least three times per year (as listed in items 7, 8, 9 above). Hearings will be held throughout the year as determined by the procedures set out in the Regulations Governing Student Discipline, section 7.

5. Terms of Reference review

Date of last review: June 2024

Date of next review: June 2025