Finance Committee

Terms of Reference and Constitution 

Governance reporting line: Council

Document owner: Governance Services

1. Origin

The Council has established a committee of Council known as the Finance Committee. 

2. Purpose 

As a committee of Council, to consider and make recommendations to Council regarding the University’s financial plans and interests and to take into consideration both local constraints and aspirations together with the context of the wider environment of Higher Education funding, public policy and the demand for Higher Education services. 

3. Responsibilities and activity

3.1 Review and Monitor 

  • i) To review the financial performance, future prospects, 5 year forecasts and resources available to the University, to report on the principal internal allocation of resources and to recommend a budget to Council to enable implementation of plans of the University.
  • ii) To monitor the University's investments in any trading activities or operations in which the University has an interest.
  • iii) To monitor the business plans and performance of the University’s subsidiary companies.
  • iv) To monitor the Strategic and Operational Risk Registers for financial elements and to make recommendations accordingly.
  • v) To regularly monitor the performance and governance of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.
  • vi) To monitor strategic investment that services the University Bond debt. 

3.2 Treasury 

  • vii) To consider the Treasury Management Strategy annually and make recommendations to Council.
  • viii) To supervise the Treasury Management Policy in the following ways:
    • a) to determine the policy for the allocation of funds for investment, indicating the liquidity requirements attached to the funds;
    • b) to consider new investments in excess of £10 million and to make recommendations to Council;
    • c) to receive, for information, reports of new investments between £1 million and £10 million approved by the Director of Finance in line with the TMP;
    • d) for endowment funds, to appoint fund manager(s) and receive reports on the performance of investments under their management;
    • e) to receive regular reports on the allocation of borrowing to specific projects and to recommend to Council any variance in the terms of the borrowing arrangements or in the total value of the borrowing.
  • ix) To recommend to Council the appointment of the University’s banker(s). 

3.3 Estates and Capital 

  • x) To consider new Capital Programmes, looking at business cases for investments over £25m, and make recommendations to Council.
  • xi) To consider all capital schemes related to the 10 Year Plan Strategy and review the financial aspects of such schemes prior to presentation to Council.
  • xii) To monitor the current Capital Programme to ensure that significant projects are progressing to time and budget.
  • xiii) To consider amendments to a previously approved capital project budget and to make a recommendation to Council, where the overall budget is exceeded by more than £5m, and where individual significant projects with budgets of over £25m are exceeded by 10%.
  • xiv) To consider the acquisition of, disposal of and/or any leasing arrangements of land and buildings of estimated net book value in excess of £10 million and to make recommendations to Council for approvals above £25m. 

3.4 Fees and Income 

  • xv) To approve fees chargeable by the University (subject to any changes in the statutory fee level being considered and recommended to Council).
  • xvi) To consider significant changes in the University's OFFA Bursary Scheme, including scholarships, bursaries and prizes, and to make recommendations to Council.
  • xvii) To consider acceptance of gifts, donations, endowments and legacies made to the University. 

3.5 Debts 

  • xviii) To make recommendations to Council on the writing off of debts of £250,000 and above and to approve the writing off of debts between £50,000 and £250,000.
  • xix) To consider and approve debt management, covenants and communications matters to investors and bond holders. 

3.6 Compliance 

  • xx) To approve amendments to the Financial Regulations.
  • xxi) To review and approve the Transparent Allocation of Costs (TRAC) process and results (the annual TRAC return and charge out rates). To confirm compliance with TRAC requirements.
  • xxii) To examine and approve any changes to intercompany loans or share holdings, monitor changes to Directors and Board governance.
  • xxiii) To consider the University Annual Financial Statements and to make any recommendations, prior to consideration by Council. NB: The External Auditor may be invited to attend for this item of business.
  • xxiv) To examine and approve the basis and structure of any trading companies which the University might propose to set up and to approve their disestablishment. 

3.7 Pension 

  • xxv) To consider University policy on membership of pension schemes and to receive for information PASNAS financial statements. 

3.8 Other 

  • xxvi) To carry out tasks and finish projects as from time to time be identified by Council, as appropriate.
  • xxvii) To co-opt persons onto the Committee to assist with any aspect of the Committee’s work for any such time period the Committee see fit. 

4. Reporting arrangements 

The Finance Committee is accountable to Council. 

5. Constitution

5.1 Membership 

Members of the Finance Committee are appointed by the Nominations Committee. 

The committee shall comprise: 

  • Chair (University Treasurer) 
  • Chair of Council 
  • President & Vice Chancellor 
  • Up to 3 Lay members of Council 
  • Executive Member

5.2 Attendance at meetings 

The following shall normally be in attendance at Finance Committee meetings: 

  • Vice-President (Operations) 
  • Executive Director, Finance and Planning 
  • Director of Finance – Planning and Analytics  
  • Executive Director for Legal, Governance & Strategy Implementation 
  • Governance Services 

Current membership is set out in the Annex to these Terms of Reference. 

6. Quorum and frequency 

6.1 Quorum 

The quorum shall be not less than one third of the total number of members, plus one member. 

6.2 Frequency of meetings 

Meetings shall normally be held four times each financial year. 

7. Resources  

Secretariat support is provided by Governance Services. 

8. Terms of Reference review 

Date of last review: September 2022

Date of next review: 2023/24 


University Treasurer (Chair)Mr Stephen Young
Chair of Council 
President and Vice ChancellorProfessor Mark Smith
Up to three Class 2 lay members of CouncilMs Francesca Barnes
Executive MemberProfessor Phillip Wright
In Attendance
Vice-President (Operations)Wendy Appleby
Executive Director, Finance and PlanningAlison Jarvis
Director of Finance - Planning and AnalyticsMark Shutler
Executive Director for Legal, Governance and StrategyYvonne Hawkins
Governance Services