Attendance and Completion of Programme Requirements 2024-25

1.  Unless admitted to a part-time or distance-learning programme of study, students are required to attend University full-time for the duration of their programme (eg: two semesters for a typical undergraduate programme) each year, and to attend for such additional periods of study as may be required by the regulations of the programme of study for which they are enrolled.

2.  While the University recognises that many students combine study with paid or voluntary work, it is the responsibility of students to organise their time in ways which allow them to participate in required learning and teaching activities and complete assignments and examinations at the appropriate time. Students must also abide by any condition of their studentships which include a restriction on part-time work as a condition of their award. In addition, students in the UK by virtue of a visa must also comply with the terms and conditions of their visa. Persistent absence from required learning and teaching activities may constitute grounds for termination of their programme of study. Students experiencing illness or other personal difficulties which may affect their attendance or performance should discuss this with their personal tutor or other appropriate member of staff, or main supervisor for postgraduate research students, as soon as such difficulties occur. In the event of poor academic or clinical performance, no student may cite as an extenuating circumstance that their study was adversely affected by any period of paid or voluntary work.

3.  Faculties have procedures for students wishing, in exceptional circumstances, to request an extension to an assignment deadline or the deferral of examinations, or to lodge a request for 'special consideration' where the student is concerned that their performance may be affected by adverse personal or medical circumstances. Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these procedures, and with the University's Regulations Governing Special Consideration, at the beginning of their programme of study. Students experiencing difficulties are also encouraged to seek advice from the Students' Union Advice and Information Centre and (if they are in the UK by virtue of a visa) the University Visa Guidance Team.

4.  Students who are experiencing illness which they feel may be affecting their studies, but who are able to continue with their studies, should complete a self-certification form and return it to their Faculty Office or equivalent. For periods of illness longer than five days, students must discuss the impact of the illness on their studies with their tutor or other appropriate member of staff or main supervisor for postgraduate research students. Where students are unable to attend the University for medical reasons they must obtain a medical certificate confirming this, submit the certificate to the Faculty Office or equivalent, and discuss the impact of the illness on their studies with their tutor or main supervisor. Students holding awards from public funds who are absent through illness for 28 days or more must arrange for submission of a medical certificate. Separate requirements may apply for students funded by the NHS; where this applies students should enquire of the relevant Faculty Office or equivalent.

5.  Students must present themselves at such examinations or other summative assessment tasks as may be required by programme regulations but, if students have not satisfied the programme requirements or paid the fees prescribed, their scripts and other work may not be marked (see Regulations for Examinations and Examiners, 6.b).

Students may, with the permission of the relevant module co-ordinator, Audit (that is, attend without receiving any academic credit) a module of the University offered at any level of study subject to the conditions set out in the Policy on the Auditing of Modules). There is no additional charge for a student to Audit a module.


Reviewed – May 2022 – rewording to match the wording of the Regulations Governing Special Consideration

Reviewed in May 2019; no changes made

Reviewed in July 2017; no changes made

Document first approved; August 2013