The Students' Union

Officers of the Students’ Union

PresidentLawrence Coomber
Vice-President Education and DemocracyRebecca Would
Vice-President ActivitiesEmily Dugdale
Vice-President SportsConor White
Vice-President Welfare and CommunityLottie James
Student TrusteeWaree Fatima Mirza
Student TrusteeAndrew Littlejohn
Student TrusteeAsh Mochol
Student TrusteeMohammed Abu El-Aneen
External TrusteeJim Anderson
External TrusteeBhupinder Siran
Chief ExecutiveSonia Cottrell
Director of MembershipKirsten Wythe
Chief Operating OfficerPaul Davie
Director of Marketing and EventsChrissie Heaver


The full members of the Union shall be the following:

  • A) The Sabbatical officers of the Union who are members for the whole of the term of office specified at the time of their election.
  • B) All registered full-time students of the University on a credit bearing course, including all registered visiting and exchange students of the University but excluding those students who have exercised their right to opt out of membership. An undergraduate who is absent from the University in fulfilment of the year abroad requirement will continue to be a member of the Union.
  • C) Those registered part-time students of the University defined in the Rules as full members of the Union, excluding those students who have exercised their right to opt out of membership (see below).

The Union also offers other forms of membership as follows:

Associate Membership, which is available on payment of the appropriate fee, to:

  • University staff;
  • Partners of current students (full members);
  • Alumni of University of Southampton;
  • University of Southampton staff;
  • Recovery College Students;
  • Lifelong Learning students;
  • Members of Solent University.

Membership is not transferable.

Opting out of Membership

Under the terms of the Education Act l994, any student may exercise their right to opt out of membership of the Students' Union. At its meeting on 28 March 1995 the University's Council agreed a code of practice which sets out how all the requirements of the Act will be met, including making provision for opting out. At the beginning of each session students will automatically be registered as members of the Students' Union unless they inform the Executive Director Student Life in writing within four weeks of their initial enrolment or the start of their programme of study of their wish to opt out of membership.

A student who exercises his/her right to opt out should not be unfairly disadvantaged with regard to the provision of services (or otherwise) by reason of having done so. If a student believes that he/she has been unfairly disadvantaged, he/she may invoke the complaints procedures, as set out in the Rules of the Students' Union.

A student who opts out shall have no Union membership status whatsoever. However he/she shall be able to use the facilities provided by the Union as if he/she were an associate member, but will not be required to pay any fee.

These facilities shall include:

  • licensed bars, shops, catering services, and other Union-run trading areas;
  • sports facilities, common rooms and recreation areas, provided on Union premises;
  • the Advice Centre, and other welfare related services.

A student who decides to opt out of the Students' Union shall not be able to:

  • be involved in the government or administration of the Union;
  • stand for election to any Union office;
  • vote on any issue decided by the Union or participate in any Union elections;
  • be represented by the Union in any matter;
  • have his/her interests represented by the Union to the University, other student bodies, other organisations and persons, or members of the general public;
  • be a member of the National Union of Students (NUS) or any other body to which the Union may from time to time be affiliated and/or represent the Students' Union on any other national body or organisation to which the Students' Union affiliates.

Note: The Students' Union is currently not affiliated to the NUS and, therefore, none of its members is eligible for NUS cards or other NUS services.

Students requiring further information about opting out of membership of the Students' Union may telephone the Student Hub on 023 8059 9599. Requests to opt out should be emailed to within four weeks of the student's initial enrolment, or the start of the student's programme of study.