PhD Work: Design
- A Domain Ontology for a NLQS
- Dataflow for a NLQS
- Visualizing Ontologies
- Ontology and RDF Data Files Map
- NLP Systems
- An Ontology for Representing User-Controlled Thesauruses
- Datastores
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7. Datastores
There are many Triplestore applications available for download, Jena, Sesame, Kowari, Redland, 3Store and quite a few more. I am currently using 3Store because I know a couple of the developers and a number of users and it supports the SPARQL Query Language which I am most familar with and appears to be becoming the most popular query language. From initial testing querying appears to be quite fast but how well it will scale is still in question. Aparrently according to a paper written by the developers, quite well.
After spending some time using 3store I have discovered a number of bugs. As yet none of them have stopped me doing what I need to do but it has required me re-writing some completely valid SPARQL queries.