David R Newman

PhD Work: Design


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  1. A Domain Ontology for a NLQS
  2. Dataflow for a NLQS
  3. Visualizing Ontologies
  4. Ontology and RDF Data Files Map
  5. NLP Systems
  6. An Ontology for Representing User-Controlled Thesauruses
    1. Wordnet
    2. Thesaurus Ontology
    3. How to Measure a Mapping
    4. Thesaurus User Accounts
    5. Discovering Thesauruses
  7. Datastores


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4. Ontology and RDF Data Files Map

As well as needing an ontology to represent the domain being used in the NL Querying system, it is also possible to use ontologies or RDF data files for storing other components that are required for the NL Querying system, such as a linking ontology and thesauruses for Terminology Standardisation, class type instances and the actual domain data itself. The diagram below below demonstrates how all these ontologies and RDF data files are interlinked.

A Map of How Ontologies and RDF Data File are Interlinked

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Page written by David R Newman (drn[at]ecs.soton.ac.uk). Last updated June 27 2018 14:44:17.