David R Newman

PhD Work: Design


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  1. A Domain Ontology for a NLQS
  2. Dataflow for a NLQS
  3. Visualizing Ontologies
  4. Ontology and RDF Data Files Map
  5. NLP Systems
  6. An Ontology for Representing User-Controlled Thesauruses
    1. Wordnet
    2. Thesaurus Ontology
    3. How to Measure a Mapping
    4. Thesaurus User Accounts
    5. Discovering Thesauruses
  7. Datastores


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2. Dataflow for a NLQS

Dataflow for a Natural Language Querying System

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Page written by David R Newman (drn[at]ecs.soton.ac.uk). Last updated June 27 2018 14:44:17.